$20 a month is about as bad as you can get with that streaming service. You made it sound as if it wasn't bad at all. I'm just saying
No if you read it that way then that is your fault.
I never in my initial comment said it was good and still as good as said it was bad, just not as bad as I was expecting.
How is $20 not as bad as you were expecting? Were you expecting the service to be $30 a month? $20 is more than Netflix or any other streaming service and this service is for OLD games. Please explain how you think this is not as bad as you expected? I think you're just trying to save face. You probably think it's a good deal.
As usual you're talking out your ass and starting assumptions that don't need to be made.
I expected this to be £15.99 so £12.99 isn't as bad as I expected so stop starting your shit.
Dying Light was the only game that launch back in January 27th, 2015 with no last-gen port, had a steady launch with no bugs or major problems, awesome gameplay, the weapons are brutal, sold 5 millions copies, and the story was interesting but the ending was lackluster but hey, it's a zombie game, so we can't expect much from any good endings when it comes to zombie games. Techland should be commanded for there affords working to bringing what could have been Dead Island but then again, they had limited resource with Deep Silver so which is why Dead Island wasn't the best but glad they went with Warner Bros. this time around. The Parkour system was well done and this is what I call a awesome zombie game that should be GOTY contender.
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