“Engaged with” being the key term here. Even fewer players actually paid for the game. GamePass and EA Play probably cuts that 1.5 million in half to show actual sales.
@bingoh: I agree with you on that. Witcher 1 badly needs a remake. Most good old games hold up, but TW1 is simply bad. It was hard for me to play even when the Enhanced Edition came out. If the remake is anywhere near the level of Witcher 3, then it’s a huge win. I just hope they used the same voice actors for the main characters. It’s also pretty amazing how much better those voice actors got by the third game.
@stickemup: that’s only true if you completely disregard context and all AC games that came before this. AC games have a bunch of the same activities in almost every game.
@ceelogreen94: I have a PC. We still don’t have Gears 2 or 3. I won’t buy an Xbox just for a few old exclusives. You seem pretty defensive about the idea.
Bringing classics back to life and getting the multiplayer going again would be great, even if the MP only lives for a year. It’s an intriguing idea. I certainly wouldn’t mind any classics from any platform going to other platforms.
@cugabuh: I actually agree with that. It’s fun. The campaign was really fun, though the mission structure was underwhelming and the story itself seemed pretty insignificant and small.
Gears on PS5 has been a longstanding rumor. I hope it’s true and that they bring 1-3 over in 4k60fps along with the multiplayer. I could use a good Gears 1 nostalgia trip.
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