@Abomination713: MW 2019 has a few decent maps, and certainly better than Cold War, but I still thought most of the maps were disappointing or mediocre at best. As are most COD maps these days. It’s nice to hear that they may have focused on creating fun and memorable maps this time around.
Yikes. I only buy EVGA cards as they are/were the highest standard and you could always expect high quality, high performance and solid customer service. To me, EVGA and Nvidia went hand in hand. I wonder if Nvidia will simply sell their own cards cards now, beyond just the Founders’ Editions.
While I’m stoked that 3rd person is coming back, I absolutely loathe the dolphin dive. It really makes the game feel cheap, goofy and annoying. Unless they manage to do it right, but from the sounds of it, I see lots of people dolphin diving around corners, down stairs and off of platforms while spraying and praying. Kind of adds a lot of irony to the “realistic” tactical combat aspect that they shoot for in Modern Warfare. Keep that trash in Treyarch games.
3rd person FOV could be for vehicles or something. I loved the 3rd person mode in the OG MW2, so maybe they’re bringing it back. That would be awesome.
I really haven’t been excited about this game whatsoever until I watched this trailer. All of the other footage made it look mediocre. This makes it look epic. I still can’t say I’m hyped, but I’ll definitely check it out. Didn’t like the first one all that much, but it was fun.
@sebb: I feel the same. I think after 20+ years of gaming, things can get pretty stale. There’s only so much they can do to innovate and push boundaries these days. It’s all been done before. I don’t buy very many games anymore, but I try every genre to keep things interesting for me personally. Recently I’ve gotten really into isometric RPGs like Pillars of Eternity, Tyranny and Divinity Original Sin. I never played Baldur’s Gate or the likes when I was younger, so I’m experiencing that genre now. These are the games that still prove to be passionate labors of love and not cash grabs or copy/paste games.
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