@davidb50100: 1. There won’t be a next “Skyrim”, but there will be an Elder Scrolls 6.
2. You’re making Elden Ring sound much harder than it is. I don’t typically enjoy punishing games, but Elden Ring is one of the most rewarding games I’ve ever played. So are the Dark Souls games. I’m far from a Dark Souls expert, but I managed to work my way through the games and had a load of fun. It’s all about discover, exploration and figuring things out.
Some things are a little over the top and some things get frustrating, but it’s all very much worth it in the end. Most people don’t have the issues you have and they don’t approach the game like you do. Extremely few games offer what FromSoftware game offer and that’s why they sit at the top to this day.
@sippio: Obviously I’ll only stay loyal as long as they provide what I’m looking for. Otherwise I’ll search for something new. For now, it’s Arctis Pro until I need a new headset.
Just remake or remaster the trilogy already. Use Unreal Engine 4 or 5. I don’t expect a graphical powerhouse. I just want the games in their original form, but with modern graphics support and technology, with smoother animations and gameplay. MGS4 is a massive long shot, but at least get that puppy on PS5 in 4k@60fps. The graphics can stay the same for all I care.
@hardwenzen: Right. I strongly have to disagree. I’ll never use anything other than Steelseries these days, especially since they launched the current version of their App on PC. I have the Arctis Pro, which is extremely easy to use and very high quality, from the audio to the build quality.
It’s as simple as plug and play on PS5. No need to tweak anything unless you want to fine tune it on PC and/or create presets. Then there’s the comfort level. I could wear them all day every day. To each their own, but come on man.
@Akriel_Boulve: Agreed. These characters are entirely unrecognizable, so why even bother? Just to force an agenda and check a box. That’s why and that’s all it is. I’ll pass.
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