@gleencross: On one hand, it is nigh impossible to create a sequel with an aging protagonist that could compare to the original. However, I don't think that featuring an old protagonist is the underlying issue. There are still stories to tell and explore the dusk of a hero's life. The problem is that Hollywood seems incapable of providing a decent story. They rely too much on fanservice, nostalgia and passing the torch (aka continuing to milk the franchise).
Considering that Quantumania was the main entry point for Kang in the MCU, there are three glaring issues in my opinion.
His origin is too complicated because it involves not only the multiverse but time travel as well - I only just now wrapped my head around it.
They failed to write an interesting character with reasonable depth to him. He's just evil for no reason? That's a step down from Thanos.
Like the article states, Kang wasn't that hard to defeat by Ant-Man and... some evolved ants. I'm pretty sure any Avenger can defeat him. How are we supposed to believe he conquered entire worlds? Maybe the real threat is facing multiple Kangs at the same time? We'll have to wait and see.
Now I'm willing to give Disney the benefit of the doubt. All three of these points can be resolved in future movies - maybe they're taking it slow. But Quantumania gave them ample opportunity to flesh Kang out and give him a proper introduction. Which they didn't.
@mogan: Only a handful characters I like so far, namely Arondir and Elrond. The rest aren't doing it for me so far, especially Galadriel. She acts like a brash and stuborn human heroine in stark contrast to the wise and stoic elf we see in LOTR. Sure she's young but her character seems off.
@videogameninja: My main gripe with Inquisition wasn't the lack of polish but the grind that was shoehorned into the game. Which I could overlook or even ignore if the game didn't feel so bland compared to Origins.
Not bad by any means, not great or memorable either.
@duggd1ggler: I kind of agree with you. Ragnarok is very fun to watch but tonally it feels off for a Thor movie. They pretty much turned it (and I suspect the sequel as well) into comedy.
@sippio: Most of the time yes he plays himself. But he's proved that he can act out of his comfort zone and gave solid performances in The Pursuit of Happyness and Seven Pounds.
johnd13's comments