johnnyboy5000's forum posts
[QUOTE="johnnyboy5000"][QUOTE="kidcool189"][QUOTE="rockguy92"][QUOTE="kidcool189"][QUOTE="FFXIII360"]Who are you?
completely off topic, but FFXIII360, i used to really dislike you and ur extreme 360 fanboyism, but now i have nothing but respect for you wiht that new avatar of urs
Denver all the way.
ya i saw their game monday, i was quite impressed by them, cutlers startin to look really good out there,and that one rookie reciever was havin a field day against the raiders secondary, although they WERE goin up against a very mediocre raiders team :P, but the raids got a potential future wiht jamarcus russel and mcfadden on their hands
how exactly did we start tlking about football,anyway to stay on topic with being offtopic,i have to say go COWBOYS!!!!
theres certainly a chance for the cowboys goin all the way this year, althoguh they are playing in the toughest division this year IMO, up against the superbowlchamp giants and the eagles with a completely rejuvanated mcnabb(from the looks of his game sunday)hell, im just too happy football season is finally here :D
i completly agree
i can see the eagles doing just as good as the cowboys this year
which makes me really excited for there week 2 match up this sunday
i dont know if the cowboys will go all the way, i just hope they finaly win a damn playoff for once:P
[QUOTE="rockguy92"][QUOTE="kidcool189"][QUOTE="FFXIII360"]Who are you?
completely off topic, but FFXIII360, i used to really dislike you and ur extreme 360 fanboyism, but now i have nothing but respect for you wiht that new avatar of urs
Denver all the way.
ya i saw their game monday, i was quite impressed by them, cutlers startin to look really good out there,and that one rookie reciever was havin a field day against the raiders secondary, although they WERE goin up against a very mediocre raiders team :P, but the raids got a potential future wiht jamarcus russel and mcfadden on their hands
how exactly did we start tlking about football,anyway to stay on topic with being offtopic,i have to say go COWBOYS!!!!
[QUOTE="johnnyboy5000"][QUOTE="Timstuff"]What's the point of having more games if you have to pay the price of a game just to play online?Timstuff
:shock: another chuck
Look behind you, 'cause you're in Texas. :D
:D hey i live in texas yay!!....wait:o, how'd u know that :cry:ahhh im scared
enyway us chuck norris fans got to stick together,i mean who else is gunna represent tha big C.N
What's the point of having more games if you have to pay the price of a game just to play online?Timstuff
:shock: another chuck
Marcus Fenix based on badassery. Snake could do his moves but Marcus Fenix would just shoot him...Toriko42
true, that is if marcus could find snake :P
[QUOTE="johnnyboy5000"][QUOTE="-RROD-"]Bruce Lee > Chuck Norris > Solid Snake > Marcus
never.....EVER,make a list with chuck norris behind someone
We have a Chuck Norris fanboy lol
damn rite.... i wasn't bashing u, i was just trying to warn u,cause chuck is watching(he always is)
im just looking out for u ya know
but be careful tho, cause i do have chuck norris on speed dont tempt me lol
Bruce Lee > Chuck Norris > Solid Snake > Marcus
never.....EVER,make a list with chuck norris behind someone
[QUOTE="navstar29"][QUOTE="Symphonycometh"]I'm against the mainstream Rap. It makes a mockery of what Rap could actually be. I listen to anything not affected by the mainstream crappage and keeps it real. (And sound unique!) And sadly, I had a handful of folks thinking I was/am a girl. :cry:bigblunt537
i hate most of the mainstream stuff too ... except lupe, his rap's actually seem to have substance.
Nas is the best rapper alive.
good job staying on topic people :lol:
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