[QUOTE="johnnyboy5000"] [QUOTE="Veterngamer"]If Gears was exclusive to the Wii, SHeep would be screaming about how amazing it is. If it were a PS3 exclusive, wow... we'd hear nothing but how amazing it is to chainsaw your enemy in half, and how satisfying it is in MP..... but, because it's a 360 exclusive those 2 factions (mostly the Cows) need to bash it, because it's threatening to them.Veterngamer
the same could be said for killzone 2 and LBP
No no.... didn't you know if the game doesnt have Chainsaws in it, then 360 owners don't want to play it :roll:
I support the XBOX this gen, I'm not a fanboy, but I think LBP looks fun and interesting. Killzone2 on the other hand just looks pretty, as a gamer I need more than just pretty visuals to interest me. One of the reasons why I have still not finished Crysis.
As for those Lemmings that bash Killzone2, well they have some basis to make fun of a sequel to a game that was mediocre at best, especially when Cows are hyping it to such degrees.
The hate on LBP though is just fanboyism.
well i like killzone 1 very much,so of corse i'm gunna expect killzone 2 to be even beter
although i dont think the game is gunna be the next coming of jesus, like alot of cows have been saying
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