Too many devs nowa days think Online is good enough to warrant anot-so goodsingle player. And sadly, Reviews think it is true *cough* Uncharted 2 *cough*
that's strange, i could swear Uncharted 2 was being praised for having a great single player
we must be talking about different games
I meant on more of a personal level. To me, Uncharteds week point was the Combat....TOO MUCH OF IT!! The Puzzles and Platforming were great. I know there is less puzzles, and probably the same amount of platforming. Less Puzzles=even more Combat. The Single Player doesn't sound so good in my eyes. And I don't play games like Uncharted for the Multiplayer.
well to be fair they said that although there's less puzzels, the U2 ones are alot more fun than U1's
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