does anyone know how to keep my left analog stick from sticking in the up position?
johnnyboy5000's forum posts
batman- rent- the demo was fun while it lasted, but i haven't touched it since my first play through.
brutel legends- pass- just not intrested at all.
froza- pass- i dont have a 360, and im not a fan of that kind of racer.
[QUOTE="johnnyboy5000"]wow, did they model the characters to fit the voice actors? I think they just modeled the voice actors, and then touched them up a bit. Honestly have no idea how Naughty God does it, but they're bloody brilliant. Claudia mentioned they make her look better in the game by basically taking her figure and then making her butt look nicer :lol: It's in an interview on the PS Blog, during E3.[QUOTE="navstar29"]
Nathan Drake | Nolan North (voice actor)
Elena Fisher | Emily Rose (voice actor)
Claudia Black (below) [voice actor for Chloe Frazer, should be in my sig, if its active]
The cast is soo much fun to watch, I honestly hope the game is loaded with extra features and interviews. Fill up a dual layered bluray with videos ND. I was hoping for a collectors edition with that kind of additional content. I would throw my money blindly at this franchise (thats how much I loved the first one).
lol that naughty GOD part was deffinetly not a typo :P
i completly agree with you, i'll buy 2 copies of anything ND spits out. they're my favorit dev........ i just wish i could get a jak 4 already :cry:
someone should make a side by side comparison of the two for me:)
Nathan Drake | Nolan North (voice actor)
Elena Fisher | Emily Rose (voice actor)
Claudia Black (below) [voice actor for Chloe Frazer, should be in my sig, if its active]
wow, did they model the characters to fit the voice actors?Honestly wouldn't mind having all the voice actors, do the acting for the movie. I mean, they all look pretty much look like their characters in the game and they're not bad to look at. And I mean Nolan North has the voice, which is just iconic. And Emily, has the voice and looks amazing too. But that would never happen. Although I really hope Emily could play Elena in the movie.[QUOTE="johnnyboy5000"]
does anyone else think chris evans would play a sweet drake if they ever made a movie?
Also yeah Chris Evans would be pretty darn good too.
lol nevermind, i like ur idea more.
he has his voice and looks similar
im not sure i believe this, why only put one pmc on the cover? shouldn't they have all three to help keep things balanced?
That was really impressive...I'm glad I only watched the first video though, because it sounds like something big was revealed in the others. That fight in the building looks great. I felt Uncharted was lacking in set-pieces, while it seems like this one is simply set-piece after set-piece a la Call of Duty.
I liked Uncharted, but 2 looks better in all aspects.Rockclmbr6
if your worried about spoilers, you deffenitly shouldn't watch the 2nd one. I really wish i hadn't.
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