@DrFrogg @wowwow27 umm, his comment is just random and doesn't even relate to the subject, he's just trolling, plus don't use my first name on the web, that's just weird.
@ZachBobBob Yah, I use PSN all the time for demos and chat and I only really use online for uncharted, ratchet and clank, infamous and battlefield and on xbox live, just halo. I have to admit though, I like a good story line better than good online.
Why would you pay $60 dollars for the latest COD release, then have to pay 60 MORE dollars for XBL, then a ton more for DLC? That's all just for one game too. On the PSN, if u have already payed for the game you free access to online multiplayer as well as cross-chat AND the blu-tooth headset if u have one. Why would u pay just 60 dollars alone?! it's terrible....online multiplayer, cross-chat and demos should be free and if u want to stream video, tv and netflix online then sure, u would have to pay because it's another service, but online multiplayer should be free, If i didn't have halo, I wouldn't have XBL, to be quite honest.
jollyjoel23's comments