@LukeWesty I think the problem is the setting itself. In a real life apocalypse, people need to cooperate to survive.
If you don't cooperate or follow the social rules of that particular group, you leave that group and become an outcast.
Since in this game, there is nothing else to do, outcasts become bandits and kill other players. And why should they care? those players will just keep respawning.
Seems like the game could use a small dose of realism to increase immersion.
The idea is original and really good but it needs improvements.
@LukeWesty I hope they improve the standalone version. I never played it but from the gameplay vids, it seems like an awesome game to play with friends and a shitty solo game.
@Defender1978 That is a good solution. They should port all those downloadable games to the PS4 and give them for free to those that already own it on the PS3.
But that wouldn't bring them any profit so I doubt they would do it.
@Landsharkk If I were them, I would release it on launch day, like you know, it should have been.
The point is that it looks like a PR movement to get fans to like them more and what do you know, that's exactly what's happening.
Old gamers and people with a bit of common sense can see through this stuff and not be a victim of marketing or hype.
This move will put Halo 4 in the mouth of a lot of people, giving them free marketing and probably pressuring some people to renew their xbl membership and get the game.
jorge69696's comments