@emptycow I even posted a link but it was removed. Crysis did look that good. Maybe they didn't have individual eye lashes but next gen games won't have it either.
@emptycow You are right. No one used that demo for a game. A year later Crysis came to the PCs and it looks like that IN GAME. 6 YEARS AGO.
Imagine what we could have today if not for consoles. Imagine all the gameplay improvements instead of the dumbed down gameswe get today.
Shooting down any tree or using a cheat and flying to the sky and seeing 3d clouds moving was mind blowing and made you think about the future. Sadly, that was the beginning and the end of it until now were consoles are "catching up".
LOL they do a tech demo about something we already had 7 years ago? Here is a pic of the human head demo by nvidia from 2006. You can google human head nvidia and try it yourself if you have an nvidia card.
jorge69696's comments