if he is gonna over clock may i suggest a 4870 and an e5300. the 4870 is round 100$ and the cpu is only 65$ at newegg.
4870 is more then enough to play newer games, and f you get maybe a HIS, up the voltage and overclock to 4890 specs. oc the e5300 to 3.5ghz and he has a budget system that will outperform a q6600 and a 5770
5770 is about the sme as a 4870 right? and a gts 250 is the same a 4870. and a gts 250 is a 9800gtx+. so its mroe like a 9600gt to 9800gtx+, which is good but not substantial. if you are going to sell your 9600gt for like 80$ then yes, it is worht it. but if you are going to just buy the 5770 outright... i dunno. i would wait until the 5850 prices come down.
assuming you mean 380, it should fit in any normal atx case. i doubt the card will be very big, nd depending on the cooler it may be smaller then the older gen. you should be fine, and if not just cut a hole in your case..i had to do it to fit my 4890
thanks for the heads-up. would have preferred to see some benchmarks but i'll still give this a go. seems the couple of previous releases were just focussing on the problems with the flagship cards and i noticiced my card (hd 4850) was actually losing in performance with most new versions so have been staying put on 9.7 for a while now.
Yea i noticed this also. my 4890 has been losing some performance. i mean, the driver support for the 4890 was good in the beginning, but not lately. most people who own ati probably have the 4 series cards, and ati have seemed to just forget about us. what also pisses me off is the lack of eyefinity for the 4890. i mean a 5670 has it, but not a 4890. come on. but thts another story lol, glad to see performance increases.
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