In terms of awesome games shown which is what we are all here for sony pawned all. Go watch the lastest trailers for heavy rain, the last guardian, uncharted 2 and the full uncut playthrough of the god of war 3 demo which sony stupidly cut short during there conference. Then come back and try and convince me otherwise. I admit though with all the awesome stuff sony had up its sleeve theystill found a way to makethere confernece kinda boring, it was just the way they presented it, microsofts made for better viewing, they just made the best of what they had, In terms of games though sony ruled all.
joshpetty's forum posts
MGS4s story.
[spoilers]As a long time fan of the series I was very disapointed. Between the retconning of both plot points and character backgrounds, the way they tried explaining everything with nanomachines (even though they didnt explain in any depth the questions hardcore fans actually had), the needless death of characters along with the needless resurection of others, the way they Ruined Raiden and put a damper on Solid Snake as a character, needless interconnections like Madnar, Dr. Clarke = Para Medic, Sigint = Darpa Chief, Zero fighting for years to achieve The Bosses will even though he didnt actually give a damn about her, giving Johny more than a comical role, the wedding, the whole melodramadic emo feel of the game, the over cheesy moments even by MGS standards, and then the huge plot hole that basically made the entire game pointless...god I could really go on forever.[/spoilers]
I waited years for a finale just to get pimp slapped by Kojima. So yeah this is my disapointment of 08. Still my personal GOTY, but disapointing none the less.
And contrary to popular belief on these message boards, no, MGS4 was not a game for the fans. It was the exact opposite. If I didnt have knowledge of the previous stories MGS4 would have been much, much better to me. Thats why all the newcomers love MGS4 and claim it to be the best game of all time along with all the guys who played the other titles casualy. As for the hardcore fans that know the story inside out and have played each title over and over again, we got left out in the cold on this one.
As a long time mgs fan myself i entirely agree and think theres alot of hardcore mgs fans that feel the same way, what bugs me more is people claiming its the greatest game of all time nonsense, its not even the best mgs game in the series imo[QUOTE="Omega3FattyAcid"]cracka, please. Let me tell you guys how it really is:
I just finished the demo...more like I played for about 10 mins then shut it off. People hyped this game WAYYYYY too much. Just my opinion, but it is so stupid. The controls are slow, melee combat sucks, when I shoot a guy its just like BLOODSPLATTER! And his body dosn't even react. not even a flinch. plasmids are stupid as hell. Shock a guy with magic, then hit him with a wrench. The only good thing was the story/idea of it all. I have had poops that were more fun than this game. god...why so much hype for might have been ok if everyone didn't say it was AMAZING. but I guess I was expecting too much. Plus the graphics were not that good...kind of shiny though.
bottom line: don't buy into the hype. It might be mediocre at best. I am all about resistance 2 and far cry 2 now! **** you, bioshock
i forbid itOmega3FattyAcidYou've made your point, or at least tried to form a valid point. So move along now. Kthxbye.
I thoroughly enjoyed the demo, I was definitely interested in playing this game before the demo and after the demo I am way more intrigued. The story is what has me wanting more, but the graphics are really immersive with the very artistic atmosphere, and the gameplay is quite solid and looks like it will be a lot of fun. But Im not sure of what replay value it contains. Which is why Im not sure if this game validates a purchase for me with all the other amazing games coming out, but I feel like I have to play this game through so Im gonna rent it without a doubt. Especially considering the end where you go into Andrew Ryans office is considered one of gamings best moments, I feel I must experience this.
Thats the thing that got me about bioshock, after id completed it once i felt no need to go through it again although there is some replay value there if you want it. The thing is bioshock was such an amazing experience the first time around i felt i got everything out of it in one playthrough, i was quite happy just to leave it at that. But i strongly encourage any ps3 owner to look past any little issues like controls and give this title a full playthrough. The atmosphere, art direction and music are really stylized and something no game has done before quite in this way. Your've mssing out as a gamer if you dont play this title to completion.
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