@ghostXzero HAHAHAAAA Yuuuuup! Totally agree. I mean seriously who's gunna by the full version with only a few characters available when we all know a full version is coming.
A wait and save your money edition will be out in few months so uhhhh wait and save your money.
@Csdabest89 @joshphillips @blackace @TheKokopelli Believe me I'm as far from living in the stone age as you can get. I bought the original eye when it cam out and even used the first camera on xbox to make youtube videos. I bought the kinect and hated it. I'm glad you like it, but just because I don't doesn't mean I can't have my own opinion of it. To me it is a "waste" of money and I feel forced into having to spend it just to get the console. I will buy an Xbox One when I can get it without the Kinect.
@blackace @TheKokopelli I do and I knew what he meant and I agree with him. Not buying an Xbox One until I don't have to waist my money on the Kinect. If I had kids that would be a different story, but to force folks to purchase it is pure crap.
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