So Nintendo is announcing a new title or something today at VGX. If it's awesome how many of you will change your tune about the Wii U? Greatness awaits for more than one console.
@bluefox755 but it is. Since the release of mario 3d land the game and the console have been selling very well lately. With the launch of two new consoles the Wii U is the one to have right now with it's larger game library. The PS4 and XB1 have nothing worth purchasing the system for and won't for at least a few more months.
@bluefox755 @joshphillips @lucaslla Let me add that Nintendo never said that. They only said that they failed to market it properly and that their sales goals haven't met what they projected. That's not failure it's taking responsibility and trying to make it better. If only Sega would have done the same with the Dreamcast lol You feel me?
@bluefox755 @joshphillips @lucaslla I agree with a lot of him on a lot of what he's saying, but his constant sarcasm against the system makes it sound like he hates the thing. I mean I didn't hear him say one nice thing about the console that didn't sound sarcastic. After hearing it through out the entire video it sounds like hateful bashing.
@lordslayaton Feedbackula is good. Their video quality is amazing and there are some decent reviewers. Also Gspot unlike IGN doesn't reprint the same story ten times in a day. When Ben was announced as Batman IGN just couldn't stop making articles about it all day. I have never seen Gspot do that. They will update a current article like is should be done. Anyway Gpspot in my opinion is fine it's just stuff like this that is a problem for me. It's not news, nor fact just one persons bias opinion on the system and it's trash.
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