hey there guys long time no see well today I have to talk about what happened to me at yesterday.
So yeah I was in a Car accident 2nd one for rearending another person. FML right. So yeah right now im going to be doing a week or 2 of no driving unless I get called to work cause both accidents were in Mass...So i have like 1 speeding ticket and 2 accidents. So yeah my Family insurance is going up :(, my truck is in the shop for the next few days because the grill broke, light fell off and well my front bumper fell off
Here is a saying that I will from now on live by Y.O.L.O (You Only Live Once). So everyone that knows how i feel what was your first accident? Do you think you coulda stopped it from happening? Did you learn from your Mistake?
When i think of Yolo i think of this If its Something DANGEROUS OR LIFE THREATENING think about YOLO and then you will know which decision is best
Well its that time of the season yet again we have to start camp setup fever again
When I say Camp Setup Fever I mean as its a Job that i sweat on alot LOL
Like today I went to help out in Nature and when we were cleaning out the room. It was bad and i Mean bad. Rat ****, nutz, ruined posters, and floors OMG I wish I had my Camera today at work I woulda taken pictures to show you how bad it was. After all the cleaning we had a open house to show parents and kids around the camp and get there parents to sign them up for camp and we had maybe 5 when i left work at 3pm from feeling Dizzy and like well crud.
When i was cleaning the room out I was like ripout all the old wood and replace it with new wood, insulation, lighting and actual fighting door frames since the OA (order of the arrow) built the new back half but, didn't make sure the door frame wasn't cut down all the way.
I totally rather just take a front loader and remove the old part of the building and replacing it with a new building
But will the camp do it Nooooooo.... oh well what can you do
22 not that amazing but it's to me cause its funny I was working today and around the end of the day around teh Social Study area of the School someone was cooking popcorn and it was burning and so we had to stop working and move outside
I'm still a bit ticked from that today but what can you do right
What I'm up to now?
Well now im still gaming, designing (a little) and now going to a Personal Trainer that is costing me 240 dollars a month (for 6 months)
I'm still looking forward to getting AC:3DS (WORKING TITLE) when it is released. If you play Animal crossing Wildworld/City Folk come to this Site its Called Animal Crossing Community.
How you been? Sorry I haven't been around the unions or even on the site lately as I have been very busy with working, taking care of my sisters dog Tucker. I have reapplied to the Summer Camp again this year for my 3rd straight season but this time as Assistant Camp Commisioner.
What is a Assistant Camp Commisioner?
Well the Job is Simple In the morning I go to work at 5 - 6 am, Tag in *move my tag from the out board to in board*, Go Under Scouters Lodge to the Staff workshop and grab the truck keys (the working truck - cant use Stick Shift unless I learn fast), go around clean all the bathrooms and restock them (works out way better doing them in the morning then during the day) and Fill the water barrels w/ice and water and drop them all off at the stations. There is Archery, BB guns, Obstacle Course, Nature, Fort Preble for Scoutcraft, Handicraft, Sports (at the main field), waterfront. I think that is all of them that I can think of right now. My favorite part of working for the camp is that this wear when full camp starts not during set up or shut down weeks which are 1st week and last week, I get to work from 5 and/or 6 am to 11 am then come home for a few hours sleep til 2 and go back to work for 3 and on friday I work all day as its the Barbeque for the kids of the camp of that week.
I havent been rehired yet but, I will be finding out sooner or later when the summer get closer and closer. I already know I will be working the Family Camping week running Archery as I did it last year and it was alot of fun.
Sounding like im going to be really busy over the summer if I get hired again and my other Favorite thing working for the camp this year again is they will be giving me 50 bucks a week to fill my truck up when i use more gas. I'm thinking of getting a 2nd Debit card to have work put the gas money on it then i can fill the truck up easy.
Sorry that I havent posted a blog in a while Kinda been busy cause My Laptop is getting the fan that keeps the system from overheating fixed cause The Geek Squad guy (dont remember his name) said there was a Defect with it.
Right now I am Busy setting up the Desktop (I had to switch the old CPU with a different one to get online again :lol:
I Have just beaten Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword this Morning at like 9:30 am Eastern and well yeah Time to write my game review. Just thought of this but I beat the game in 4 days without a game walkthrough.
So Expect a Review from me later today hopefully or tomarrow on Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
As I am still learning Photoshop this is the best i can do right now and I am looking on youtube at good Sig Tutorials at the start and then going to learn How to do Animated Sigs and Designs
I have just read AvatarMan96's Movie review on District 9 and it is well done you all should check it out
Well guys I will see you around the boards and Hopefully see you guys come to the site i linked near the top and maybe make a request
Well I was helping My fellow camp staff Stephen Sample seeing over to the Dining hall and Rich Fowler was there and brought out the diverting lights and was shining them everywhere and even in my main mirror while i was backing out of the dining hall area. After i fully backed out he shined it in my face from the side of my truck. Now I am off the camp area and on route 125 just driving the limit and when I got to the light to get onto Old County Rd Rich Goes behind me and turned his High beams on and then as I was turning onto the road he honked his emergency horn and really pissing me off.
What I mean by that is this Tomarrow i have to head to the Camp for 8 am for Staff Openning Breakfast and then we get started setting up our stations, equipment, and the rest of the tents
So I will be less activefor a while i will still be active just not as
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