The world has the generic grindy one monster every five square feet design, which is nothing like Elder Scrolls.
Where are you getting this information? ZOS has certainly said nothing along these lines.
It was designed with third person and action bars in mind, which is nothing like Elder Scrolls, and it sounds like there's gonna be generic fetch quests, also nothing like Elder Scrolls.
Here are some facts about the game stated by ZOS: Left mouse button to attack. Hold left mouse button for heavy attack. Right mouse button to block. Hold right mouse button and quickly click left mouse button for shield bash. There is no hard-locking system so you actually have to aim at what you are attacking. You can attack and use abilities while sprinting. Sneaking is also confirmed. Also there is going to be TRUE first person, where you can actually see your hands. All the quest NPC's are fully voice-acted and some NPC's will help you complete quests. There are also random-encounter quests that happen by discovering or finding something. This is all EXACTLY like Elder Scrolls.
As far as the action bars go, its only six slots. Five abilities and one ultimate. Oblivion had a hotwheel which is not much different from this and Skyrim made you pause the game and pick from a list (ruining the immersion and flow in my opinion). The hotbar disappears when you are not in combat. And its only six slots, nothing like the twenty to thirty in most other mmo's. The disappearing, six slot hotbar improves the game.
It also doesn't seem very immersive. I doubt we will be able to steal items off counters and get caught and go to jail, or attack villagers, then steal a horse and run while being chased by the guards.
ZOS has stated that there IS a crime system and you WILL be able to steal items, get caught and go to jail.
Hopefully the class system will be like previous ES games, where you still have a skill system and can level your skills up, since it won't be like Skyrim's classless system.
The class system will be very loose and organic. Any class can use any weapon, spell, armor, etc found in the game. There will be numerous skill trees like in skyrim (dont remember if oblivion had skill trees) where you put points into whatever skills and abilities you want. When you level up you get one point to put into either stamina, magicka, or health and one point to put into a skill tree of your choosing. The more you use heavy armor the more proficient you will become with it and will unlock abilities for it. This is pretty much exactly like skyrim.
It just sounds to me like you havnt really done a whole lot of research on this game. I dont blame you. ZOS hasnt really been the best at releasing much info but the things ive told you ARE facts stated by them. I got most of this info from press articles released by people who have either played the game themselves or interviewed with ZOS. You have to remember that this is an mmo. Its going to have to be a little different from the classic Elder Scrolls experience. But they are also keeping alot of the great stuff from the original games. Theyve also done a great job at listening to fan feedback and have made several changes to keep the Elder Scrolls fanbase happy.
Dont give up on this game. It looks amazing in my opinion and its only in closed beta so they have alot of stuff to fix, change, refine until launch. At least wait until it comes out to watch some good, solid, in-depth gameplay (and read some reviews) before you make your decision.
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