I don't even understand how PS3 graphics could keep up... the 'power' of the cell is the processor, not the graphics card itself. The graphics card is a 7900 that was modded so it could be powered up by the cell... the 360 has a 8 something I think.
I'm not really sure about the 360's graphics card, I just assumed it would by higher because along time agosomeone said the PS3 only has a 7900 so it could never compete with the 360 in graphics.
ps3 graphics card is not a 7900, acoording to NV, ps3 gpu is G70 based, 7900 is a 256BIT card, but ps3 RSX is only 128BIT.
First your topic title was misleading, and now it makes no sense. If the game is being developed by Tri-Ace and published by MS as you say, then where does Square Enix come into play? Where's the proof that MS is publishing the game cause I could have sworn it was Tric-Ace developing, SE publishing.peaceful_anger
SE is the mother company of tri-ace. triace never published a game by their own.
see the official website , it's published by microsoft.
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