This is such a biased thread, yes there have been some pains and atrocitities that were caused by reliogions, but there has also been alot of good to come out of it. People like MLK Jr, James Madison, Mother Theresa ect....were all religious and very spiritual people whose belifes inspired them to make the world a better place.
There have been several bad things that had nothing to do with religion. WW1 and WW2 had nothing to do with religion, neither did The Shoah (the Holocaust) or the Viethnam ect....Also I recommend you read up about life in the Soviet Union, which was very anti religous (they banned religion and it was illegal to practice it or believe in God) but guess what? Alot of people suffered and died in it.
It reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman wants a Wii and goes to the future where atheists rule the earth but are in a war with otters over what to name the planet. Atroricities arn't caused by religion alone, religion at it's core is simply about loving people and tolerating them and not judging them. It's so easy but so many people forget this and use it to hurt others.
Bottom line: People are the ones who hurt other people.
Because none of the major players in World War II had anti-Semitic leaders.
EDIT: In regards to religion being about loving and tolerating without judging, I can't give you an estimate anymore on how many times I've been called a demon-worshipper, Satan's servant, etc. And don't even get me started on all of the people trying to convert me to "save me from eternal torture" or those who don't even want to do the work and just say "Burn in Hell, then." I don't have a single Christian friend who has ever kept from mentioning it. Many may accept it, but they still try to get their ideas in my head. The only definition of religious tolerance that I will accept is one that includes complete and total acceptance of one's beliefs or lack of beliefs, and ignore the subject completely. When people don't comply, I have no reason to either.
The defintion of Anti-Semitism is hatred or discrimination agaisnt Jews as a religion,ethinicty,or racial group
Jews were targeted by the Nazis more so based on their ethnicity/race and not so much their religion, religion wasn't really the cause of that. It's not like the Jews could just convert to Christianity and the Nazi's would leave them alone, they would still be Jews. There are plenty of Jewish atheists out there as well, the term is not contradicotry.
As for the Christians in your life, they sound more like an extreame or more orthodox group. I am sorry to hear your experiences but you can't apply that to all Christians in the world, have you met all Christians? Do you know that they all act like that? Do they all run arond and condem people to hell? To assume they all do is just a form of ignorance and being closed minded.
The true meaning of religion is to love people and not judge them, alot of Christians do not abide by that unforutantely, but there are plenty that do.
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. ~ James 1:27 I think a lot people, believers and non-believers alike, attack others so that their own weaknesses or faults don't look so bad in their eyes. Jesus won't condemn me, so how I can in good conscience condemn anyone else. I can't. I want to, yes. But, that's part of the struggle between my flesh and my faith. The internet is a nasty place sometimes with a ton of very ignorant people. You see if I believe what is said in James here, then I can't remain unspotted from the world if I start hating on someone who doesn't believe what I believe. Now, this goes for both sides! I don't really enjoy reading threads where non-believers say that religion is for ignorant people, or that I'm stupid for believing what I do. I can't change anyone's mind, and I don't expect anyone to think they can change mine. If they do, then they truely are ignorant. We see this sort of thing between Republicans and Democrats, gays and straights, blacks and whites, American and non-american, etc.
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