Razer Carchisies (however you spell it) they are kinda big, but suupperr comfortable, great sound quality, and has a solid mic.
jstamm33's forum posts
Right now I have a X2 550BE, but now that games are finally starting to utilize quad cores I want to upgrade..but I don't wanna spend more than $100. So I guess my question is, "Would I see a difference in my games and if its worth it to upgrade?" Right now I am barely breaking 30 fps with my dual core, so I was hoping the Athlon x4 635 would fix that. I have a Gigabyte 5830 coming in the mail, So how would that fair paired with the Athlon x4 635 at 1440x900 in BFBC2?
[QUOTE="jstamm33"]its "cooler master". 18Asmc9135218? Are you sure that's not just on one rail? I think it probably is. Anyway, I am certain it would be enough. ya, thats per rail hehe sorry bout that...
don't give watts; tell us how many 12V Amps it can supply. And, is it off-brand?smc91352its "cooler master". 18A
I was thinking of upgrading from my x2 550be too. I noticed this--> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103702&cm_re=athlon_2_x4-_-19-103-702-_-Product for the sub-$100 range. Paired with a 5830 and 4gig ram do you think I could pull 40-50 fps medium settings in BFBC2?A good quality 600W psu should run all that easily.
Concerning the H50, from what I've heard it is a pretty decent cooler.
To run:
AMD x2 550BE (unlocked 3rd and 4th cores)
4 gig OCZ ram
2 hard drives
1 optical drive
gigabyte 5830
a corsair H50
I need a new cpu cooler, but im not sure if my psu will be able to power all that stuff, I have 6 in-case fans too. Also can anyone tell me how well the H50 is?
I haven't recieved it yet, but im upgrading from a 9800 gt so I'm hoping for a pretty big step upIt is going to royally smoke that poor 9800 like there's no tomorrow. It'll be paired with my AMD x2 550 be, do you think ill be able to play BFBC2 at 1440x900 on medium settings with good fps?[QUOTE="jstamm33"][QUOTE="polarwrath11"] Yep 5830 is a good card.BDK-Soft
[QUOTE="jstamm33"]Yep 5830 is a good card. I haven't recieved it yet, but im upgrading from a 9800 gt so I'm hoping for a pretty big step upebay? I just picked up a Gigabyte 5830 for $165, thats in US dollars, shipping included
I would try and make an upgrade from that tree branch your using as a video card..
Right now I have a x2 550 BE and want to OC as I hear with a decent cooler you can get them all the way up to 4ghz...Are there any decent CPU coolers that you can install WITHOUT taking the entire mobo out of the case? Will I even see a performance difference between 3.1ghz and say 3.8 ghz?
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