You do know that everyone believes it was conspiracy by the government, right? JFK was asassinated because he WANTED to go to vietnam. We would have just gone a few years earlier.The book depository where lee harvey oswald shot JFK from. i would wrestle the gun from him, and thus vietnam would never happen and america would be happy :D
jstamm33's forum posts
3 monkeys walked into a bar, I forgot the rest of the joke, but your mothers a whore.
[QUOTE="smurfchief"]Dating in Middle School=Most Pointless Thing You Could Ever Do. serioulsy haha middle school was more of "hey will you go out with me?" hugs, kiss, "YES!" then nodody ever went anywhere just held hands at school. I can't tell you how many 2 week relationships i had in middle school. Thats when I learned to not dump a girl on valentines day....bad idea lolim in 8th grade she is in 7th
I'm seeing them go for anywhere between 120-180 on ebay. Most are used tho. Seems like a good to me and I hear that it keeps up with the GTX 280[QUOTE="jstamm33"][QUOTE="kaitanuvax"]
How much is this 9800GX2 going for? If it's more than $200, you might as well geta HD4890or GTX 275(if you can find either one)as singlegpu solutions are always preffered over dual gpu ones.
Well, since you're already shopping on ebay, I suggest you look for the two other cards I mentioned. They're just as good as a 9800GX2 - and you won't have to worry about the microstuttering that comes with dual GPU solutions.
would my cooler master 600 watt psu, be able to handle the 4890 then?**** I fell for it! haha
I'm seeing them go for anywhere between 120-180 on ebay. Most are used tho. Seems like a good to me and I hear that it keeps up with the GTX 280How much is this 9800GX2 going for? If it's more than $200, you might as well geta HD4890or GTX 275(if you can find either one)as singlegpu solutions are always preffered over dual gpu ones.
I am thinking about getting a 9800 gx2 as opposed to a 5770, because dx 11 is not a concern of mine. I have a cooler master 600 watt psu, would this be good enough for this card? And can anyone tell me if the 9800 gx2 is still considered a good card? My xfx 9800 gt just died so this would be its replacement..
LOL WTF am i listening too?? It was all mellow, then got all jazzy, now its like dance jazz bahahhaaha
any sort of mixed drinks.. usually without any alcohol being that i am straight edge.. :PamazinglyHXCahahah you silly goose you...
I've never been a big soda guy, I mainly like ice tea of some variety and stuff like Brisk, Arizonas (those big 99 cent ones) Snapples, or some sort of fruit juice, I love smoothies too and water of course lol
those 99 cent cans are soo good. I always get watermelon though Yeah, the watermelon is pretty awesome. Also forgot to mention I love Margaritas 8) I like em, when I'm at "calmer" social events haha
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