probably a miller highlife, or heiniken. corona is okay on occasion, but I don't fancy mexican beer or coors. coors is a river beer (too watery)
jstamm33's forum posts
So that would make you and her how many years old?
Assuming neither of them got held back or bumped up a grade, and that she went straight to college after high school:
Him: 16.
Her: 19.
i think he has a shot......if she is into young teenage boys i guess you never know i'm just gonna ask her if she wants to go to a paty with me, i hope she drinks :) im 16 almost 17 so ya. im thinking about it, cause ill prob never see here again after this summer. thanks guys!I'm currently going to a highschool summer camp thing (I'm gonna be a junior next year) and theres this girl that, that I kinda like. The things is that shes also instructor, shes gonna be a sophmore in college, and shes pretty hot. So do I wait until the last day to ask her out, cause i don't want to make things awkward? What should I do?
yes. defenietly, a few games of beer pong at a party is REALLY fun, it attracts the ladies, i feel more relaxed and open so I'm better with the chicks, and cause its REALLY fun when crossfaded. Plus beer tastes good and if you can mix drinks for girls at parties it works magic on them. Just mix some vodka with cranberry, or orange juice. I've never thrown up from it, but have defenietly gotten the spins to the point of I can't walk straight for my life :)
I just tried it for the first time, and I did "Gates of Hades". I almost crapped my pants and had to stop it at 70%, cause i fell out of my chair screaming. Im still shaking 15 min after, and gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life lol. i saw the friggin devil. Anyone else tried i-doser?
partying, and getting chicks. nothing in the world like it, ohh and improving my beer pong skillz im a master now :)
A friend of mine actually graduated high school as a junior last year to join the marines. He is 17 and he got his dad's consent to join, but his mom still doesn't like talking about it. He said it was "different" when I asked him what it was like. He is a squad machine gunner, He was supposed to be posted in Japan, but he is now being shipped to Afghanistan in December. A guy a know joined the Army right outta high school, now he is a Ranger Combat Medic, whom just returned from Afghanistan, after a 4 month tour. His parachute didn't open and he freefell out of his aircraft, broke some bones and stuff, he is now in medical leave. But none the less he loves it, killing 4 and saving 15. I'm joining the Army right out of high school, getting a good score on my asvab, and hoping to become a paratrooper.
Good choice goin with the marines, they are character builders
[QUOTE="Mutt523"]who was that statement addressed to?MoonMarvelSeems everybody who watches Disney. exactly
If your older than 10, I really question your logic. And 99.9% of chicks on the disney channel are so beat, it makes me feel depressed.
[QUOTE="jstamm33"][QUOTE="bronxxbombers"]Anti. Its bad for you. (dont jump on me, it might not be bad pysicaly, but it leads people to do mentally stupid things, and steal or do crime to get more money to feed the addiction)bronxxbombersACTUALLY, Marijuana is not addictive, it has nothing addictive in it, THC is what gets you high, along with the cannaboids. It is less harmful to lungs then ciggaretts, less harmfull then alcohol to brain/liver. Its defintaly addictive. whats your proof?
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