thanks for sharing these facts, Marijuana is not even a drug, as for being addicted goes here are the stats: Tabacco-37% addiction rate Alcohol-18% Tylenol, Advil-11% Marijuana-7% addiction rate For those of you saying that Marijuana is addictive you are kind of right, but you have better chances on becoming addicted to tylenol! Also if legalized in California alone it would bring in 34.7 Billion dollars a year in revenue, another 2.2 billion if taxed. The Police spend 7.7 billion a year fighting it. Also 18 MILLION people in the US smoke weed EVERYDAY, yet 750,00 will face charges per year. It seems to me, that its not even a law here in California. A bike ticket here costs more than a smoking ticket. This does not make any sense and only improves my logic!-contrary to popular belief, marijuan does not cause lung cancer. in fact, it doesn't cause any sort of disease.
-in order to suffer a minor heart attack from marijuana use, one must smoke 136 joints, in a period of 6 days. now, imagine eating 136 cheese burgers in a period of 6 days...
-it is impossible to become physically addicted to marijuana; it doesn't contain nicotine or any other addictive properties.
-only one person has died from marijuana use, and it was from choking on their own vomit.
-bruce lee was an avid marijuan smoker. before his death, he and his mistress smoked marijuana. however, doctors confirmed his death wasn't linked to marijuana at all. it was a man made pill which caused an allergic reaction in his brain.
-george washington cultivated marijuana. though he didn't smoke it, he praised it for it's durability & strength.
-early assassins were given marijuana for the most dangerous missions; there was no other way for them to do it, they were too afraid. this lead them to be called hashasshins
if you can't tell, i'm pro-legalization.LeGoofyGoober
jstamm33's forum posts
Anti. Its bad for you. (dont jump on me, it might not be bad pysicaly, but it leads people to do mentally stupid things, and steal or do crime to get more money to feed the addiction)bronxxbombersACTUALLY, Marijuana is not addictive, it has nothing addictive in it, THC is what gets you high, along with the cannaboids. It is less harmful to lungs then ciggaretts, less harmfull then alcohol to brain/liver.
I personally am all Pro-Marijuana it less harmfull, than alcohol. If God created earth and everything on it, then he put cannabis here, therefore we can conclude that God WANTS us to smoke Marijuana. Feel free to post your experiences and your position on the subject.
Ya, I feel ya, it is very much an aquired taste. Drink more, more often and you will get usd to it. Try playing some beer pong, youll be so drunk you won't notice the taste. I was just with my homies last night driving around and my friend and I shared half a bottle of Bocardi, drinking it flat. The more you can drink the more you can impress teh chicks haha
his horse is named friday?A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed three days, and rode out again on Friday. How did he do that?
Bring ganjaBlackStalkerone step ahead of you, man..
Ok, so I'm goin to a party and I don't know what to bring. I don't know weather to get Smirnoff or Malibu, I prefer smirnoff but I'm thinking the chicks might lik Malibu better cause it tastes better, and isn't as strong. Any other suggestion are open. And I'm already bringing Patrone. Thanks!
Alright soa few nights ago I was at a crazy party were I met this smokin hot girl. I had already taken multiple shots of Puro, played 5 games of beer pong. I started talking to this girl and I went outside where I smoked marijuana with her and several people. For those of you that know what crossfaded means thats what I was. Anyway I was seductivly blowing the smoke into her mouth and we got close. She is kinda going out with this other guy, but I thought me and her got close. I don't know if she remembered that night or what but I want to get with her again but that other guy is a friend of mine. What should I do Im fairly confused, not to mention she was giving me lapdances.
shoot thebastards
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