its all about her rack!
jstamm33's forum posts
Recently, I have started playing steam games again, but now I think I'm getting low fps.
In team fortress 2 I get 25-50 fps on near max settings.
CSS I get 21-60 fps on near max settings.
I have a AMD triple core @ 2.1 ghz
XFX 9800 gt not oc'd atm.
4 gigs ram
On call of duty 4 on max settings with a custom config to improve graphics I get 60-125
Am I right to assuem there is something wrong here or is it just the games?
Ok, so currently I have an AMD triple-core @ 2.1 ghz, being read as 5.36 ghz. I wanted to upgrade my cpu, to one like this
I heard most games don't use 3rd or 4th cores, so I need to know if getting that cpu, with a new mobo would increase performance, and how much it would. Also If someone could reccommend me a mobo, then that would be great, that is sli compatable.
They don't let you play it because they know nothing about video games and have heard GTA is bad. That's why. Your also 15 and shouldn't be playing M rated games to begin with.
lol that made my laugh. Maybe you should talk to the 6 year old kid killing prostitutes in said GTA. But joking asaid they don't know anything about games okay, do you have any friends that have it. My parents never let me get M rated games for quite a while, but I had been playing every gta since gta3 at my friends house on his ps2. So by the time I was 14 they let me play it because I was mature. I'm guessing your parents are republicans? all republican parents are nutjobs when it comes to video games. My parents are democrats so they don't mind OBAMA FTW!![QUOTE="jstamm33"]
Lol at the kids who think megan fox is better looking than JESSICA ALBA! Most of megan's fans are under the age of 15. Jessica Alba acually has an acting career. She is also scientifically proven to be more attractive (imo). How many movies has megan fox been in? umm I can count them on the fingers of one hand, jessica alba you ask? more like I coulnd't count all of her movies if I had 5 PAIRS of hands. Imo megan fox is a bonershrinker, jessica on the other hand is a 6 o clock to 12 o clock in record time. JESSICA ALBA FTW!!!!
cool story bro.
Megan fox is dubbed the next Angelina Jolie.........what is jessica dubbed ? hmmmmmm
(lol arguing over actresses......feels like highschool all over again)
In someone's opinion she might be, jessica alba is my preference, that other fugly chick might be yours. but hey its all an opinion. Jessica alba has nobody better than her, thats why she can't be dubbed the next anyone lol. btw jolie, makes me **** bricks she's so beat. She took a nosedive down the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.Lol at the kids who think megan fox is better looking than JESSICA ALBA! Most of megan's fans are under the age of 15. Jessica Alba acually has an acting career. She is also scientifically proven to be more attractive (imo). How many movies has megan fox been in? umm I can count them on the fingers of one hand, jessica alba you ask? more like I coulnd't count all of her movies if I had 5 PAIRS of hands. Imo megan fox is a bonershrinker, jessica on the other hand is a 6 o clock to 12 o clock in record time. JESSICA ALBA FTW!!!!
I'm looking for a good game to benchmark my PC with. My specs are in my sig, and I heard FC2 would be good, and It should have good gameplay to. Any idea how FC2 would run on max settings at 1440x900 on my pc?
Thanks in advance
ya I used that one on a waitress at a grillhouse..unfortunatly I didn't know her boyfriend was there. I got her number though. Cause He came after I talked to her. SCORE!*pick up sugar packet* "Excuse me, you dropped your name tag"
my friend used that one on a waitress, I still can't get over it...ethanpaige
Post them here boys and girls. here is one "Why don't you come over here and sit on my lap, and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up"
Ok, first off don't break them up, let her break it using yourself. Hang out with her and IF things get intimate, kiss her and chances are after you makeout she will regret it, then go break up with her bf, then give her the only thing you can......ill give you a hint it rythmes with hick, fick, and chick..
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