ok so i foud a program called fraps and i got 134 fps on graphics and level deail on max on 1280x960zahyrok I had the same problem i get around 50-60 fps NO lag on my Oc'd 9800 gt. Listen carefully you are not getting 134 fps, its a glitch at the start screen you get over 100 fps, but ingame you get about 34. The "1" is just imprinted its left over. Your computer is not that good lol.
jstamm33's forum posts
Ok, so I recently decided to install the OS Ubuntu 9.04 x64 bit. And I was wondering how it works for gaming. I like linux, because its cleaner than Windows, and cheaper than Mac. If there are any more programs I need to download with 9.04, can someone please post a link and info? thanks
I am TOTALLY PRO-Marijuana. The people that don't like it, have never tried it or given it a chance. It actaully suggests creativity, mellowness, and harmony. The only CON about smoking weed is the fact that it can cause respiratory disease (like cigarretts) only if smoked ALOT! But you don't normally smoke ganja as much as you do cigarretts. A common misconception is that its the THC in weed that gets you "high". It has no addictive substances in it, so its non-addictive, you have better chances of getting addicted to chocolate cookies. If you want to smoke weedm but don't like smoke, go buy a Vaporizer, you put some weed in the "bowl" set it to the correct temp, and let the THC rise into a plastic bag. when all THC is extracted simply inhale and MAGIC! your HIGH. unless its your first time of course cause then you won't feel much. It is entirely non-man made, so only one person could have put it here. Do you know who that is? Thats right, same guy that created Earth, GOD! HE wants us to blaze with him, grap a sac, grab a friend and hit that **** up!! "Up, Up and away"
I also love playing consoles on my 50 inch plasma that will last me 10 years, rather than having to upgrade a pc for the same prices each year. I also love that graphics on consoles are better than pc games, except crysis, but that's just one game and crysis 3 is being made for consoles and will look just as good. ncderek
Epic Fail.
For all we know jessica alba could secretly play cod 4 on pc or something. There are probably plenty of hot gaming girls, they just don't want you to know because then all the 12 year olds on servers start talking about cooties. If I were a hot gamer girl, i probably wouldn't talk on a mic in-game. Also they probably don't have a lot of friends that game (girl friends) so they play secretly. Although i know some cute girls that play halo 3 lol at my school!!! YAAAAA
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