This is good news. There aren't even any games that are pushing the ps3 to its limit the same way the last gen of great games pushed the PS2. Make better games not more hardware. More system exclusive games are needed too.
How is that example any different when a subscription based mmo pulls the plug or becomes f2p? The whole concept of mmos or F2P is a treadmill. This editor realizes his's own argument is a moot point, yet still gets published?
@gamergath I think everyone has a story about MGS like that. I remember just playing the demo out of a OPM magazine and then playing nothing else. Just thinking I can't wait until this game comes I must have it!
Now that I know Rising was originally planned to be a game about Cobra unit. It makes me all the more nerd ragey at that game and Raiden. It's like making a Batman game and you only get to play as Robin.
If women want better treatment in video games, more of them should get involved with the industry or stop buying games. This argument is old and boring. Other groups have tried the same thing, such as calling games racist etc.
jubdeidamasta's comments