@Waynespread They need a lot more coop games, I mean me and my brother enjoyed resident evil 5 and 6 together, but there are so many games that had it on PS2. They also need 4 player multiplayer with bots in shooters so you and some friends or family can get togetyher get tons of gaming food and sit playing games all together while having a laugh
@Waynespread I enjoyed Borderlands 1 solo for a few hours but after that I wasn't so keen and I've had a few friends who felt the same so I got my brother to come join in and we had so much fun with it! Going through the game just gave an even better experience that way, and the visuals and the humour you could get in it oooooo so good :')
Need one in the series with more of a story where the earlier pokemon are the main ones Red blue gold silverthose generations, but it isnt just go next town get a badge go do something to access next gym, need a full story
I got this game a coouple of weeks after it came out when they were selling the game for £20. One of the best choices I ever made as it meant I got to play Saints Row 2 as well. Loved both games even completed them twice and went through and got the platinum as it meant just playing everything, hope for another game eventually!
I like how everyone is blaming the system. Its not the system, the system is actually decent, the problem is developers aren't bothering to create to its limits.
jubeio's comments