@DaneGamer LOTR two towers was quite good, LOTR Return of the King wasn't too bad, LOTR The Third Age was a lot of fun. Although I was never keen on LOTR online at all
I grew up playing A link to the past on the SNES and I loved it, played a bit of ocarina of time on gamecube (i think) but will pick it up for 3DS eventually
@razama @gargungulunk Final Fantasy 13 was my second PS3 game and I actually really enjoyed it at the start but enjoyed it less by the end same with FFXIII-2 but saying that i still enjoyed them throughout, but I do prefer the older styles of final fantasy. open world is sorely missed
@razama @ferretshob well said RazamaFerretshob there are loads of RPG's with a different type of combat and better stories (than the 13 ones, havent enjoyed much of them yet tbh) so you could always go try one of them :P
@razama Yep Vincent definitely deserved his own solo game, and I guess Lightning does but im not too sure about a final fantasy RPG where you only get to properly use one character
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