@kos_maverik heh heh that's true, suppose I wanted to make sure everyone knew it hadn't been copied from arkham city, because lets face it those comments will be coming soon :P
@kos_maverik spiderman had free roam on ps2 spiderman 2 3 and ultimate spidermanbut batman and robin on ps1 did have free roam (that game was awful) so they have both had it before but spiderman was the first one to do it well out of the 2 in my opinion :)
I'm glad with this game they have explained its set afetr the movie not duringcannot wait for this game, preordering now!!! want to see and play as stan lee too :D
@kambion313 You can't base how a game would be because it was on PS1, games similar were onm PS2 that were good, for PS3 they could easily make it as fun
I'm sticking to watching the yogscast playthrough the game and just going to play torchlight 2 when it comes out £15 to prepurchase torchlight 2 getting torchlight 1 for freewhereas diablo has always been between £40 and £50 I believe
jubeio's comments