@ParanoidPaal There really isn't much they can do. The speed at which the game moves is too much for our current fiber optic infrastructure. Maybe when the internet communication starts using subspace :)
@Tremblay343 I don't get why people don't consider Smash a fighting game. It's about characters fighting, isn't it? If you want to be specific, it's an "arena fighting game". Maybe people get confused because there just aren't many of those anymore. God I miss Power Stone.
Every time someone expresses an opinion that could be construed as even remotely PC or *gasp* feminist, people start cursing up a storm and throwing ridiculous personal attacks at them. Thank you for your video. I know you have set yourself up to be on the receiving some undue hate, but this all really needed to be said.
I hate to say it, but this thred seems to be proving David right. To call him a "feminist in a man's body" is a bit ignorant. If you believe men and women should be allowed equal rights and protections, you are also a feminist. That said, Dave had better push a redesign of cortana's outfit in Halo 5 after saying all this.
@Zloth2 The rts portions are totally reminiscent of Sacrifice. That's what I tell people when trying to convince them to play. To which they ask, "What's Sacrifice?" and I start crying.
judaspete's comments