So is there anything that you guys think I should change to save money? I'm aiming for $1200 max
juiceman77's forum posts
Thanks man. Any suggestions on a good psu that could support this system. I'ma ll about saving moneyYou don't want a "green" hdd as a system drive cuz it's a little slower. Get Seagate Baracuda, Samsung Spinpoint or WD Caviar Black or Blue. The rest of the build is good, case and psu could be cheaper but it's your money ;). Love the monitor.
Case Mobo GPU PSU CPU RAM Hard Drive Monitor CPU cooler OS Sorry this is the only way I could link them :/
I've spent countless hours on newegg finding these parts and the whole goal was to get more bang for my buck. Check it out and let me know if you see anything that can be changed to save money or if there's a better part you know of for a cheaper or same price. This is a gaming focused build by the way.
Oh and I wasn't sure if having a fancy hard drive increase gaming performance so I added two so you could tell me what you think.
So in the long run would the GTX 680 be the best in price and performance? Also there is a new SB 2550K CPU that costs $10 more than the 2500K but the only difference I can tell is a .1GHz increase. Is that worth the price difference? " GTX 680 is pretty good value for money at the moment; it's not too far from the dual-gpus in performance and is significantly cheaper (here at least).
The 7950 is good value for money compared to the 7970, and beats the GTX 580.
The Radeon 6850/6870 are what I would consider minimum for modern gaming and have always been great value for money.
It depends what games you want to play, and at what resolution etc.
And for CPU I recommend the 2500k, because it's a 2500k.
I figured out the only difference besides that 0.1Ghz increase is that the IGP has been disabled. Does that mean it will overclock better than a regular 2500K?
I'm trying to get the most for my money can anyone lead me in the right direction? Also this doesn't mean it has to be a cheap card. If you know of any processors that would fit the bill as well feel free to share with me, thanks.
get a gtx 480 instead if you can find one. they preform basically the same but the 480 is cheaper due to it being of an older design What if I just invested in the 680 so that I don't have to worry about configuring an SLI set up for a long time. Also how long do you think it will be until the 680 see's a price drop?[QUOTE="juiceman77"]
My question is since I'm a new system builder what would be the best GPU to go with considering I have no old GPU to take into consideration as well. Also price point is a big deal because I'm looking for the absolute best bang for my buck. I've found a EVGA GTX 570 on newegg for $300 and It's pretty much the best thing I've found at it's price point or would I do well in the long run to just get a GTX 680? Seeing as how I'm new to all this any info is appreciated especially if I'm wrong, thanks.
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