I plan on either building a gaming rig or buying a laptop that can run Diablo 3 and GW2, but... the only knowledge I have about building a rig is from I've read online and it seems pretty simple putting the machine togather but I have no idea what I would do if I came across a software problem and mobo, gpu, or cpu issues after I put togather a build and I'm always going from place to place never having a home for longer than 6 months so the portability of a laptop would be perfect for me but from what I hear on forums laptops can't play games like Diablo 3 on high to max settings and the ones that can like the Alienware m18x, Origin laptops, and a few others are outrageously priced. So what should I do? Any advice on what PC do buy or what to do would be awesome, thanks.
Just wondering what laptops you guys would choose to game on if you didn't have an option to use your custom rig? At least I doubt anyone will say just go buy a console lol.
I'm just looking for a gaming laptop that isn't two grand but is still top quality and can play Diablo 3, Skyrim, Guild Wars 2, and BF3 in medium to high quality hopefully. Oh and i'm talking about the Hp Envy 15 new 2011 series too. My question is which laptop between the two provides better bang for the buck and why? Any input is appreciated, thanks.
After alot of searching and reading i've decided to go with a intel i5 2500K processor but i'm not sure what other parts I should go with to compliment it that is high quality but I don't want to pay for a $500 mobo and not take full advantage of it's capabilities because I just want a affordable (preferably under $1000) rig for mainly playing games, watching movies, and listening to music with maybe a little video editing but mainly a gaming machine. So can someone please finish up my gaming rig by adding the parts to my newegg basket. Also any input is appreciated as well, thanks. http://secure.newegg.com/Shopping/ShoppingCart.aspx?Submit=view
http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=us&l=en&oc=DKDOCZ6m&cs=19&kc=9&X=9&Y=6 Or should I individually pick my parts? What are your opinions bc i'm trying to run Skyrim and BF3 on high settings
I just want something that I can take on the go, is good build quality and I can play games like Skyrim, The Witcher 2 with settings that look good? http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=us&l=en&oc=DKDOCZ6m&cs=19&kc=9&X=9&Y=6
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