jukitup's forum posts
i havent played the original GC version with the drums.. but the wii version is a lot of fun. you probably can't go wrong either way...!
do as everyone else says.. theres a full list of the virtual console games here. and i would also recommend the clas sic controller for snes games.
p.s. Voyley nice picture -- im a blackburn fan too!
ill definitley try that for power cruising.. always found it pretty hard to control, thanks!
i believe there is in duel.. haven't played that mode too much though. i might start playing it now i finally beat the table tennis champion!
well just because a game doesn't interpret the M+ as 1:1 doesn't mean it can't read it 1:1. Play TW10 or WSR and you'll see the 1:1 that is possible. Personally I don't like GST with M+ anyways,, Virtua Tennis works well though.I played Grand Slam Tennis with WM+
It was not 1:1. I kept switching between WM+ and the regular Wiimote, and I could hardly tell the difference.
who sold you a M+ for 35 bucks?! they cost 20... anyways I think we've all gotten over this and moved on to enjoy the greatness of M+.. you should too!I will add a new one, bull because nobody should have to pay 35 bucks for something that should have been there in the first place.
I FINALLY BEAT THE CHAMPION!! 6-2! I am incredibly happy right now... :)!
what game are you playing that you don't notice it? all the M+ games currently available show off how much better motion sensing is with M+ (with the exception of a few of the games in WSR). Revolutionary!does anyone notice a difference withe the new WMP? can anyone enlighten us further on the subject? it seems the same as without the attatchment to me
yup... right here. my friend code is in my sig too so feel free to add me!
im looking at a curvy white line right now waiting for this game to end... but yeah im not sure if patches are possible..never heard of any before with wii. but if it is this is one thing that does need to be fixed asap!
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