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just4yoshi Blog

New Post, New Life, New Games

Hello all,

It's been a long time... about a year actually. I have found myself drawn back into the Internet world yet again after leaving Tyrant. A friend of mine recently had to cut out her Internet time, but she was in the midst of a lot of projects. Since my life was settling back down, I offered to help out. Now, I am a programmer once again (anyone remember the good ol' Synergistic Studios days?), this time using Stencyl. I also lead a small livestream: (she made it, not me :P). If anyone wants to drop by, I'd love to reconnect :)

Sammauri Warriors

Wow... GameSpot really missed the mark here. I am not into hack&slash games, hence if the game was as tedious as GS makes it sound, I would not be addicted to it.

Okay, to back up a bit. Last Tuesday, I got my 3DS and went to the store to get a game. I hadn't read any reviews, so all I had to go by was the previews, and the best one seemed like Sammauri Warriors. I'm glad I did. The initial 3DS lineup is indeed really puny. I don't think even Nintendo would dispute that. This one though is a gem in the muck.

So, to GameSpot's points: yes, the game does throw you from one commander to the next... in the first set of missions as your character is trying to find themselves as a mercenary-sammauri. After that, you follow one goal, one faction. Second, the choice of characters is indeed confusing due to the similarities in the names, but no, you don't need a knowledge of Japanese history if you just listen to the commentaries (which are a bit dull but are skippable after watching the first time). The choices during conversations are not straightforward; lots of them have me thinking hard about the right response (and sometimes I'm wrong).

But, most importantly is the combat. I have found actually MORE diversity in combat in this game than that of SSBB. And, SSBB is my #1 played Wii game (or perhaps New Super Mario Bros). Against most soldiers, your standard attacks do work fine (or just run by them, which I will admit is a gripe point). However, in later levels, you are forced to fight in pink or even red zones, where the difficulty is shot up. Generals will block your attacks, counter, and often chain attack YOU. This is especially true when there are multiple generals (or strong soldier units) attacking you at once. If you don't utilize the variety of your moves, you won't succeed, or at least not with a good rating. And, there's an excellent balance between the moves, such as trying to decide on the spot whether to do a spirit charge to break a general's block or to save up spirit points for an instant boost later. Moreover, between the characters is IMMENSE diversity. Each character fights very differently, which is impressive given that the weapons are adequate for the times. Different swordsmen will use thier swords very differently, some have magical attacks, at least one plays a lot like Pit with a bow, and two others are totally unique (one hovers a ball to attack and another one just goes BERZERK all the time).

Now... if it wasn't for the next part, this game would be in my top 10 of all time... poor AI. AI is the thing that keeps this game down. GS (and I) already mentioned that regular soldiers will rarely ever attack you (although later versions WILL). The real problem though is controlling your own units. You often have control of 4 generals on the field, whom you can switch between at any time. You control what they do by using the touch screen. The only thing is that non-controlled generals have rocks for brains. They will take 5 minutes or more to kill a general you can kill in 20 seconds or less. They will fight basically any soldier that comes in their way if you order them to run to a location. It gets to the point where some "easy" sub-missions in the battle are immensely hard simply because you have to coordinate a bunch of attacks at once... and then lead them all by hand, in under a minute or two.

Besides the AI though, this is an excellent game. I'm very glad I did not read GS's review before buying it and indeed have lost even more faith in their reviews. It seems as they only played the first part and with a very negative attitude.

Tyrant (CCG)

Hi all, been a bit.

I'm trying to find some new recruits for the faction I'm in for a game called Tyrant. It's a free collecting card game on Tyrant which has sucked me in totally. You make a deck of 10 cards and a leader. Each card has attack and HP, time it takes to play, and one of about a dozen abilities. The game itself moves very fast (if you play on 4x), but still has a ton of strategy involved, the perfect combo. There is actually no "perfect" deck, each one has its own weaknesses and strengths. If you are interested, please check it out(opens in new window) and let me know if you want into the faction :).

BTW, if any of you play on Kongregate, please feel free to add me as a friend (just4yoshi, of course ;) )

5% Money & the $20 Bill

No game updates today. I've been playing virtually nothing besides Kingdom Hearts ReCoded. Some of the requirements for 100% are absolutely annoying (the 99 dalmations in particular). But, I'm going to stick with it... for now :P.

In other news, the concept of saving money. I am actually a big fan of credit cards. They are great for generating a high credit score if you keep up with your payments and cash back never hurts either. In fact, I have found a set of cards that give me 5% back on almost anything I buy.

1. The oldest card of the bunch is my Speedway MasterCard. I spend more on gas than just about anything else (all of the driving as a tutor), and the Speedway gas station less than a mile from my house has a great setup for the gas, and it even carries Krispy Kreme doughnuts if I need Sunday breakfast in a pinch. The card gives 5% back at Speedway and 1% back everywhere else (actually can be even higher depending on rewards, but I like GameStop gift cards :P)

2. A couple months ago, I got a Target RedCard. It gives 5% back at... well Target :P. I don't know if those stores are in your area, but the one around here has basically all of my grocery items, from health bars to frozen to toiletries and cleaning supplies. It only gives % off at Target though, but considering my bill and that the % off is instant, it's well worth to keep.

3. My most recent addition is the Citi Forward card. I actually found it on accident while trying to find out if the Amazon credit card was a worthwhile addition since I buy a lot there. As a bit of irony, the Amazon card gives 3% off its site whereas the Citi Forward card gives 5% :P. In fact, the Forward card gives a permanent 5% off on any entertainment purchase, including books, video games, and restaurants (including fast food).

Thus, I get 5% off basically everything I buy. So long my annoying Discover card which gives the rotating 5%. I found a permanent solution instead ;). For any of you able to use credit cards, it is worth taking some time to investigate the best ones for you. 5% off quickly adds up, especially since it is after any other discounts or coupons you use :).


Now to the flip side, spending money. One thing I don't understand is why Christians have developed a reputation as poor tippers. From what I hear, that reputation is earned, so I am not talking against waiters/waitresses but rather my fellow Christians. To me, tipping is one of the best ways to make an impact. Why not lay down a $20 on an $8 meal and say "God loves you" as they stare at you wide-eyed? It's a great way to put actions behind your words. Perhaps they will think you are crazy. So what? Isn't it a good thing that they are wondering what's different about you? To top it off, the warm feeling of having made someone's day is well worth the extra money :)

Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded & Cardion

This week I got to play two major new games, one far exceeding my expectations and one falling far short.


Cardion is a free online game created by my favorite developer: Undefined. He is the one responsible for the Protector series and several other games I enjoy. Considering that I love card-strategy games, I dove right into this game... and was disappointed. It's a decent game, but there is really only one method for winning easily, a method which is rather boring and only uses about 10% of the possible cards. Another MAJOR issue is the lack of a quality button; you can have literally hundreds of units on the screen at once, which slows down the computer to about 1/5 of normal speed (easy to see since you get resources every second and those "seconds" take 5 seconds in reality). There is some definitely good gameplay to be had if the system gets tweaked, but as it stands, the game is just average. It's not horrible, but not nearly up to his standards.


Kingdom Hearts: Re: Coded:

I almost did not get this game due to the low reviews on it, but I am very glad I did. I love where the series is going if this game is any indication (which it is according to interviews). That said, the game is not perfect.

The Bad:

  • The story is "meh" at best, providing very little background into the Kingdom Hearts universe (and total absence of any major female character like Kairi, Namine, or Xion).
  • Also, some of the alternative modes, such as the shooting mode, lack the refinement in gameplay that is expected of Square Enix

The Good:

  • Combat has gone through a MAJOR improvement. The new command system, where you build your own commands and level them up is ingenious and works wonders. There are special attacks to fit just about anyone's play style.
  • The leveling up system works extremely well, allowing one to focus on any area for specialization and unlock abilities/cheats/accessories in the order they want.
  • The alternative modes provide a nice change of pace for the game. The turn-based mode and side-scroller worked especially well (good thing too since the turn-based is an entire realm).
  • The "cheats" in the game allow for any level of difficulty desired. For example, I have played through almost all of the game without any healing and with only 46% health (46% gives a 10x drop rate for items)
  • The tag mode is a nice addition, especially since it does not require other players in order to work
  • There is a wide range of enemies that will keep you on your toes if you're not careful (danger box enemies, I'm looking at you...)
  • Bosses in the game are generally pretty strong, especially later on.

In the end, for the first time in Kingdom Hearts (besides probably Birth By Sleep which I haven't played), the gameplay is what pulls the game through. The variety of modes, strong bosses, varying enemies, and the levelling up are all top-notch, but the combat using the command system is what really pulls the game through. If only the story had lived up to Kingdom Hearts tradition (I'm not totally finished yet, so still might improve at the very end), this game would easily be in the top pick for DS games. As it stands...

Overall: A

Friends, Coincidences, and Kingdom Hearts BBS

First off, a big "hi" to everyone who was tracking me (at least according to GameSpot) but not friends. I just did a reverse friends-clean-out and tracked anyone tracking me, just to see who is still on. BTW, it is not lost on me that I still have the "Greatest Game Villain Competition Crusher" badge even with how bad I did :P.


As many of you know, I am a Christian. Things like yesterday can only really be explained by a divine presence in action. To me, it would be more faith to believe that all of these were mere coincidences than something going on behind the scenes (not in chronological order):

1. As I was leaving from a client (I am a full-time tutor), I was pulling out my keys and pressed my thumb a bit on my car key, and it snaps off. Had I not accidentally gripped it too tightly, it would have broken off in my car door.

2. Just an hour previously, my client that was I supposed to tutor next had done a last-minute cancellation. Thus, I had a little over an hour until my next appointment. And, before I had left, I had commented on wondering what to do with the free hour.

3. Right after I was leaving, the grandmother of the boys I had been tutoring was leaving to take them to the dentist. She saw me and offered a ride. She would have just enough time to drop them off, take me home and back, and return to the dentist to pick up the first boy.

4. My mother was home and awake (very rare for the time of day) and was able to get the spare key and place it by the door (she was also able to do the drive albeit would have been much harder for her).

5. The round trip took all of one minute off from when I would have been leaving for my next client, allowing me to arrive perfectly scheduled, sitting down just as they walked in.

Seriously, I could not have planned the timing better myself. There was even a step zero, that I had actually charged my phone the night before (so it didn't die on me like it enjoys doing). The cancellation, everyone being ready to help and noticing the troubles, it all fell right into place. This was like something out of a movie, where everything is choreographed ahead of time so it all fits perfectly together... only without any rehersal. Some may believe it was just a string of lucky coincidences, but these things don't just happen, not this perfectly. Trust me, I was there :P.


In other news, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is very addicting... and I don't even own the game! Someone uploaded a YouTube video series of the whole game. I just finished watching Ventus' story, and I must admit it was very good. I love the new locations although I can tell they are smaller than normal, but the real treat is getting to see the Organization members before they were nobodies. Also, it's about time that Kingdom Hearts had a strong female lead (Aqua). Seriously, I am tempted to fork out for a PSP just to play the game, and I probably would do it too if it wasn't for the soon arrival of the 3DS... I might still take the plunge though if I like Aqua's and Terra's stories. The D-Link system looks cool too...

Anyways, that's what I'll be doing if I don't post for a while. I still have two stories left to watch and the final story too. Catch ya all later ;)

Simple Things & Caravaneer & Compassion

Reflecting back on my life (a good thing to do occassionally), I was rather amazed to find out what memories popped up at me. Sure, some major times surfaced, like going to Six Flags Kentucky when it was almost empty or my parents' divorce. But, the majority of the memories that stuck to me were the little things in life, a kind word from a total stranger, a stuffed animal at a key time in my life, a round of putt-putt, a smile when I needed one most. It's the simple things that can make a profound impact on someone's life.

So, next time you get an inclination to say a nice word, smile at someone, or give a little gift, do it! It may not seem like much to you, and it doesn't even require that much effort, but the effect you can have is substantial.


Ah, Caravaneer... I found this game just on Saturday. It's an "old" game when it comes to free computer games, being made in 2007, but that doesn't mean that it's bad. On the contrary, last night instead of watching the Super Bowl, I had taken the time to boot up Final Fantasy X. However, after about an hour into the game, I realized that I was craving some more Caravaneer. Then, I stayed up way too late since it's so dang addicting!

The setup is simple enough: you live in a deserted area with sporadic towns. You just inherited a donkey, a rifle, and $1000 and are trying to make a name for yourself as a "caravaneer", someone who trades between towns. There is no hand-holding in this game, which is one of the things that makes it great (although an auto-save would have been nice). You constantly have to watch out for your food, forage, fuel, and especially water supplies as you travel from town to town. And, travelling is not automatic. You get a map and a compass and have to set your direction as you go (although there are no travelling impediments like mountains or rivers). The question is if you can take that $1000 and build an empire. And, once you do, you will have to pick sides in the conflict of power (or just kill both if you prefer).

One of the best parts is the two-shop system for buying/selling goods: some are bought/sold at the market. There you can always sell as much as you want and buy as much as they have to offer (but prices fluctuate with supply and demand, a novelty I love to see in these kinds of games). Weapons, containers, animals, and other long-term goods are bought and sold at different shops. Each shop offers different items, but the key is that they will ONLY buy what they want to buy. Thus, you can't count on taking guns from robbers as a method of making money (although it can be very profitable when they actually buy the stuff). This adds even a further level of strategy to the game.

Overall: A+

Even with the absence of an auto-save (there are 5 normal save slots), this game really is top-notch. The supply and demand changes combined with the dual shop system and realistic mapping make the game very strategic as well as more realistic than any other game of its type I have ever played. The creators really knew how to make a high-quality game even if the graphics are lacking.


Going back to the simple things that make a difference, I would like to point out Compassion International. It is a Christian-based organization designed to bring kids out from poverty. It is the finest charity organization I have seen, and 80% of all proceeds go right to the kids (much higher than most charities). They also partner with local churches in the poor areas so they are not just some outsider coming in to help. The monthly donation needed is small ( $38 ) compared to the possibility of getting a child out of poverty. You do not need to be a Christian to participate either. So, please, make a difference in the world :).

The DS Debate & Final Fantasy X

Alright, since so many have been caught up in the buzz, including myself, here's my take on the lineup. First off, I agree that the GameSpot comparison chart isn't worth squat. Seriously, comparing phones and iPads to the 3DS and PSP2... WHAT? Anyways, my choice was clear: the Nintendo 3DS.

1. While I realize Nintendo is not the first to do 3-D and that there will undoubtably be issues, one has to admit the simplicity of their idea (dual cameras) is brilliant (even if it is not so simple to program). We could see this machine turn not just video games, but the entire video entertainment industry on its head. At the minimum, it's a sweet gimmic, but at the maximum it could really create the foundations for big improvements in gameplay as well as graphics.

2. Sony fans can rightfully claim that their handheld has more power, but that power comes at a steep cost: battery life. And, as far as I know, there is STILL no sleep mode (c'mon Sony, how stupid is that? It's a HANDHELD!). As many of you know, I work as a tutor. I use my DS to kill time if someone is late or if I get done early and need to kill a few minutes or an hour. I need any handheld I use to be able to handle my long work days.

3. What is the point of any gaming device? Answer: the GAMES. Now, there have been some good games for the PSP (I wish the one Kingdom Hearts game was for the DS instead), but the library just doesn't stack up for me. Nintendo has grabbed my two favorite Sony series: Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts. Those are just about the only games I ever play from Sony, now that SSX has gone downhill (seriously, can we return to SSX 3 please?). And, the 3DS is going to get a Paper Mario game, one that is true to the first two (Super Paper Mario was atrocious to me), not to mention a new Mario Kart, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Sonic, and a host of other impressive games.

Now... my reasons to buy a PSP2:

1. The shoulder buttons have never busted on my PSP (cause I don't have one)...

2. Um... good 2-D graphics?

3. Bah, nvmd... even #2 was stretching it :P


On a similar note, I have really been having the urge to replay Final Fantasy X. That game was simply incredible. But, it wasn't really the game. The story and development between Tidus and Yuna, THAT is what made the game great. Seriously, it is one of the best love stories I've ever seen, especially since we see the whole thing, from start to end. The gameplay was okay to me. FFXIII was far better in that regards. Actually... I can't really talk about the graphics or sound quality either. It was all about the story :P.

Overall: A
(Overall if the story had been mediocre: B)

5 minutes -> 1 hour

Two blogs in one night. I suppose I am on a roll (actually will probably then do two on WyzAnt).

Since my R button on my DS has decided to full stop working, the number of games I can fully play has gone down a lot. Thus, I figured I would take out an older touch-only game. I figured Elite Beat Agents would be the perfect pocket game. Each song lasts only maybe 5 minutes (if that), so it would be easy to play in spurts...

lol, yeah right :P. That game is addicting! I just spent an hour on it, unable to put it down until I remembered that I was supposed to do something 55 minutes ago :P. The creators really put a lot of thought into the timing of the music and the taps. Now, I just need to figure out how to beat the ending on the third difficulty... that will take some time. I am totally out of practice.

Anyways, I figured I should give my rating for the game. I am usually not into music games, never having gotten into the DDR or Guitar Hero crazes. This game though really takes some skill and the taps, etc. are done very well to match the music, not only the beats, but also how the locations of the targets move. Pair that up with some great songs with a wide range of difficulty, and you can why I give it a...

Rating: A

(Again, this game is another that nears the A+ range, but occasionally a tap seems to be timed just a smidgen off or the locations of the taps get annoying instead of following the rhythm. It doesn't happen often at all, but is enough for missing an A+)

Say What?

There are many things I will never understand in life. One of the primary things is why people say one thing but mean another. WHY? You don't have a lot you can truly call your own in this life. One of the few things is your word, so why break it? Say what you mean and mean what you say. It is that simple. Or, at least don't knock down someone not being able to figure out that they were supposed to do the opposite of what you said (the original word I had for "knock down" was censored I guess :P).

-A very frustrated human