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just4yoshi Blog

The Answer

Okay, so yesterday I asked if you were on the run, who would you rather be with: someone who can save your life or someone who can kill you.

There IS a "correct" answer to this question. Think about what each one describes. Then look closely at my wording. Just because someone CAN kill you doesn't mean they WILL. In fact, that would be the "smarter" of the two choices. If you need someone to save you, chances are they need to be saved too (think as if it was a doctor); while this is not the only way to take that statement, it is a probable one. So if that is all you have to go on, take the one who CAN kill you, as that person could also probably kill your enemies then too ;).

Hello All!

Hi everyone,

It's been a while, but here's another post from me (and I have tried responding to a few of your blogs...). This is mental challenge:

Suppose that you are on the run from a shady organization and you have the choice of just one of two companions, who should you take? Someone who can kill you or someone who can save your life?

Video Games the Safest Bet?

I just got an email update from MediaPost (a marketing place). In it was stock information and statistics about video games. Stock is down for many, yet we are seeing some of the best stats ever for selling, etc. WoW's expansion broke a record in one-day sales. And sales in general are up by a good portion.

So, my advice to you: if you control where you are investing in stock (unlike me), buy Gamestop or Nintendo. Both stocks are down, but both are doing great and should start booming. But, DON'T invest in EA or Sony, as it's stocks seem to be deserving to plummet (for seeming to stay old-fashioned and not up with the latest trends or expensive titles/platform).

Just my opinion ;).

N - The Final Upgrade

For those of you who missed it, a few months ago I completely redid my computer. Well, almost entirely. Only 3 areas recycled:

1. DVD-rom (don't use often at all)
2. Hard Drive (don't want to waste time resetting everything)

and, 3. the internet. Now, those who are tech-savvy probably already know where this is going. There's a new wireless type called n. And, we just installed the D-Link 655 version. It's supposed to be "designed for online gaming without lags" (from back of box). Now, let's see if it lives up to that standard. No Lags, No DCs, No half-loaded youtube videos, No internet drops. Is it really possible?

I'll let you know ;).

Trying Something New

Hi all, been a little while since I last blogged.

Today, while checking my emails, I noticed a different one from GameStop (my favorite emails to read, believe it or not ;)). Instead of a special deal, they were advertising a survey site that they work with.

Now, just a few months ago, I would have just deleted the message. This time, no. Through my marketing class, I've developed a new interest in surveys and decided to see what it's like from the consumer side. Furthermore, getting free GameStop cards might just allow for my normal gaming (non-computer) hobby to be completely free!

It's been interesting so far, as I kinda dissect the surveys while taking them, breaking down the parts of segmenting that they're using (gotta make it fun somehow :P). And, I'm 1/12 of the way to a free $25 (which, with the time spent is about the right amount of reinbursement, especially if I go for the $50 card instead).

The site is

Rules and Freedom

I have heard it said that rules (especially Christian morales) halt freedom.

Today I witnessed a prime example of how (at least some) rules are really the only way to freedom. In fact, this is an example all of us see everyday.

Can you imagine trying to drive anywhere if there were not traffic laws???

School vs. Learning (& Updates)

First off, an update I saw when I logged in: Fire Emblem DS coming in 2009. At least it IS coming... knowing me, I'll get suckered into buying it even if reviews are atrocious...

Right now, my main concern is balancing school and learning. Sure, look at me strange, but I'm serious; it's a real struggle for me. Things have changed for me. I no longer am interested in the grade (well, as interested as I used to be). Now, I'm focused on retaining what I learn. That's long-term memory. The result? Grades are slipping some. I'm going to have to watch out with keeping in mind of future employers and how they look at grades. There's no way for them to see an 85% from me compared to another who has 95% and realize that while I only got 85%, I still know 70% of the material or more. That's talking about years from now. I just hope I can balance out long-term good with short-term (first career job) good.

Another update. I have a laptop now. Well, kinda. It's a discard. Motherboard is fried, but it was free. So, if you have any ideas with how to replace/repair (probably replace :P) an iBook motherboard, please let me know. I do know my way around PCs (built current machine), so hopefully that kind of know-how is not an issue. It's just that this will be my first time opening up a laptop. Any help would be appreciated (including if you know where I can find a replacement motherboard).

And finally, do you remember my challenge from several weeks ago, to say hi to strangers? And, how my personal goal was to just have lunch with one? Well, today is mission accomplished. A pleasant conversation. Got a bit awkward when a third person joined and thought I was a brother, but hey, twas a good laugh :D.

Explosive Start!

I'll try to refrain from any spoilers. Just watched the season premiere of The Unit.

Of all of the shows of this year, this has by far had the biggest "pow" of the ones so far. My word! I don't think it's ever been this bad, even in 24! Certainly interested in seeing how the season will develope ;).

My TV Shows: Fall 08

Ah, tis the time of TV show premieres. As I'm also a user, it would only make sense to blog on this sometime.

1. First and foremost is Eli Stone. This is one I won't be missing. One of the best shows to come on in a LONG time. Good, clean, funny. Can't get better than that. Especially interested in how things change now that *spoilers* the aneurysm is out *end spoilers*.

2. Second place would probably go the Amazing Race, which starts either this Sunday or next. It's the best reality TV show out there (besides Treasure Hunters, which was a VERY similar show).

3. I'll probably be staying up on The Unit as well. Some good dynamics going on in the show and it's never predictable.

4. Yes, I am one of the millions who watches Survivor. But boy is that one team ever horrid! My goodness! They need to pull it together to win ANYTHING (or just let the other team get too cocky).


1. The Mentalist. This is a new one this time around. The main character is more than a bit annoying, but he's good. I like it how he does everything by observation, not psychological factors. Also, the secondary character just happens to be one of my favorite actresses.

2. Eleventh Hour: Have yet to seen a single episode. Might be interesting, might be bad.

3. NCIS: Family loves this show; I'll watch it or glance at it if they're watching it. Zeeva and Gibbs are cool.

4. Numb3rs: This show is slowly loosing it for me. They're moving further and further from the math...

That's about all. Might be one or two that I've missed that are questionables, but I think that about covers it. One of note that is missing is Heroes. I am no longer as interested in that show as I used to be. All in all, it comes out to about one show per weeknight family supper.

Fully Live Each Moment

One of the things about me that has changed recently is trying to fully live each moment. Here are some examples:

1. In the classroom: I've always been a participator (or at least since I can remember), but now I do it with a renewed vigor, trying to go deeper than ever.

2. At college: For the classes I like least *cough* Linguistics *cough*, I am setting up groups to study them even more. I figure that if I am struggling and not enjoying, same probably holds true for others as well. Thus, creating my own to hopefully be more fun and learn the material better :).

3. At work: It's no secret that I don't like my job. However, I'm now putting forth an even greater effort into making it bearable, and to some degree, it's working... to some degree :P.

4. By myself: If I don't have to worry about others, I also allow my emotions to flow instead of bottling them up. Frustrated? Just let it go, vent the frustration in ways that won't harm anyone or myself. Sad? Why not cry? Who says guys can't cry (although putting Casting Crowns in my car was not a good idea; nothing like getting teary-eyed while trying to drive ;)). Happy? Sing a little or whatever else flows naturally.

I think I'm better off for it :).