Ah, tis the time of TV show premieres. As I'm also a TV.com user, it would only make sense to blog on this sometime.
1. First and foremost is Eli Stone. This is one I won't be missing. One of the best shows to come on in a LONG time. Good, clean, funny. Can't get better than that. Especially interested in how things change now that *spoilers* the aneurysm is out *end spoilers*.
2. Second place would probably go the Amazing Race, which starts either this Sunday or next. It's the best reality TV show out there (besides Treasure Hunters, which was a VERY similar show).
3. I'll probably be staying up on The Unit as well. Some good dynamics going on in the show and it's never predictable.
4. Yes, I am one of the millions who watches Survivor. But boy is that one team ever horrid! My goodness! They need to pull it together to win ANYTHING (or just let the other team get too cocky).
1. The Mentalist. This is a new one this time around. The main character is more than a bit annoying, but he's good. I like it how he does everything by observation, not psychological factors. Also, the secondary character just happens to be one of my favorite actresses.
2. Eleventh Hour: Have yet to seen a single episode. Might be interesting, might be bad.
3. NCIS: Family loves this show; I'll watch it or glance at it if they're watching it. Zeeva and Gibbs are cool.
4. Numb3rs: This show is slowly loosing it for me. They're moving further and further from the math...
That's about all. Might be one or two that I've missed that are questionables, but I think that about covers it. One of note that is missing is Heroes. I am no longer as interested in that show as I used to be. All in all, it comes out to about one show per weeknight family supper.
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