@XboxGuy1537 Polls are pretty accurate at judging intent to purchase. Politician and advertising agencies use them because they are pretty realiable. You may not like what you see but that is democracy. The people have voted.
@immortality20 lol you may well be very shocked if Sony end up with 100% of the market and MS pull out of the console market. Who knows what will happens given what we have seen up to now. Yes the XB1 will be a capable games console and have great games, especially FPS multiplayer with the dedicated lag free servers, but in the end the majority of non fanboy gamers will look at the two and just buy the best if one looks far superior and is cheaper. I don't see where your confidence is coming from.
@Kristan1711 @shadow6323 I totally agree. I just want to relax and play a game. I don't want to do a cartwheel across the room in order to launch some Kinect gesture function. when I can execute it by pressing a button with my thumb on PS4.
MS failed big time on that one with design functionality and ended up creating a gimmick to cure a problem that never existed. They actually made things more difficult to perform instead of easier. Like you say, most gamers are conservative in their use of effort and do not appreciate new inefficient inaccurate control methods.
@Jaywalker9876 The word of the people is the news. They have spoken. It is democracy in action. I have voted in quite a few of the online polls. Journalism has a duty to cover it. You may want the information suppressed if it's not what you want to hear, but that isn't going to happen. We live in the internet age.
@coldfusion25 Yes the people in the forums are those 80%. They are real people not statistics. The PS4 lead is real. A business with only a 20% share of the market share has got to be worried.
@HyperWarlock What are you talking about. PS3 has never enjoyed a huge 90% favour. It released a year late and has been playing catch up ever since. The fact that it has caught up and is pretty equal in sales indicates that it must be tracking slightly higher than 360 to make the gains, but not by the amount you state. Be realistic.
The PS4 80% lead is unprecedented. It is a very dangerous time for MS. They have had to sack the guy who caused it and desperately reshuffle its leadership.
Sony are masters at building consumer products and the Betamax lesson taught them that content is king, so they invested in film/music/game studios. When they realised that CELL and limited RAM was a bad idea inside the PS3 because it stunted the devs, it was inevitable they would fix all the mistakes and build a cost effective super console.
For some reason MS totally missed the boat. They have great network skills and business enterprise software, but when it comes to consumer design for the domestic market, Apple and Sony walk all over them. MS just end up copying their user interface and design ideas. I laughed when I heard MS steal the PS3's piano black and call it liquid black ...lol In fact the whole multimedia idea has been present inside PS3 from day one when 360 could only play games. I actually remember the MS fanboys criticising the PS3 for having multimedia. Funny how thing revolve around :)
@Angrypcgamenerd Yes that is why it's all over the media. Wii U is doomed. It pandered to the casuals it won with the Wii, but casuals are fickle and have moved on. The Wii U is gathering dust while all the casuals are playing mobile phone games. The only reliable market is the hardcore gamer. We don't go away. Sony has identified us and is giving us what we want. When all the casuals see us having fun on PS4, they will come over to experience the buzz.
MS made the mistake of slapping its hardcore gamers in the face by hijacking the xbox brand in order to release a TV box on the masses just incase the games industry crashed. They failed to support their loyal hardcore. It looks like it could be their downfall.
@AnIgnorantDuck @justerthought lol do you honestly believe that or does the thought just give you comfort. I'm not a Sony employee. I've been playing computer games since they were first invented 35 years ago. Way before Sony joined the game, so I have no invested interest apart from my desire to play great games on a great console. I'm afraid you're are going to be in for a big shock 6 months down the line when reality hits you in the face.
That 80% are real people, not just a statistical number you can trash. We are here and have chosen in a democracy. We will almost certainly end up buying PS4 not XB1. MS are not unhappy. MS fanboys are not happy. The 80% are happy. Is loyalty to a brand more important than happiness. Just buy what makes you happy and stop moaning.
@Riddick123 Try telling that to a politician or marketing department. Polls are a measure of intent and usually turn out to be pretty reliable. Historical evidence bears this out.
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