I own a PS3 (have no 360) but TBH I'm more interested on 360's exclusives. I chose PS3 over 360 because I own a PS1 & PS2.
So far, the only PS3 exclusive I own is MGS4. I'm not interested on the others. For upcoming exclusives...only God of War 3, LBP, and White Knight Stories are a sure buy for me.
BTW, in PS2, I have 45 games and only about 20 are exclusives. I bought PS2 because I own a PS1. :)
This is dumb...you buy a game console because you like the games on it...you are paying a lot of money for not getting what you want. go buy a 360 if you like the games. im sticking with the ps3 because i like the games. im not dropping $500 on a console i dont wanna play. get a brain.
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