I am worried! i voted to leave! Tho i worry about the consequences. We needed sovereignty back it was no longer a democracy we were ruled from afar by people who did not care or know to care about our situations. We did not elect them to rule Europe. The EU is old and dated and sadly failed.
jwsoul's forum posts
@vespuche: This !
@Mercenary848: Alternative is a life like mine. Go to University study and succeed! DO IT!
My favorite part of DS3 PVP is how everytime I get someone down to an inch of their life, they suddenly become unhittable. I seriously had a match the other night go on for MINUTES with the invader at a sliver of health. I tried different swing timings, different angles, etc. Nothing would connect. They weren't even mindlessly rolling either.
They eventually got me and I was pissed. It has been a constant anytime I have had a PVP experience and I want to know WTF is up.
This here is whats put me off the game EVERY time this happens EVERY match it feels like! Just as im winning they heal or get away or kill me! I got sick of it and the rolling mechanic. Great Single player game.
@Starshine_M2A2: No! Apply that logic to any sport and cheating then?> Rights are one thing but rules exist in games and sports to create the fun.
@dave462a: Naa you dont want so many buttons being used on a mouse. Macros on the other hand!
@musta00967: It has expansions so yes you have the main game trailer and then you have the expansion trailers.
@davillain-: Uproar over resident evil 5 mate? Remember!
Who cares just a bunch of sexist pigs from what i can tell and that includes that nasty woman! Its hard enough as it is with women nowadays without alienating them further!
I gotta say you cannot have double standards in games tho! If its ok to kill white males why not black men or women! I strongly disagree with that. I think society needs to be careful with de valuing and over valuing women which seems a common trend at the moment! Yet women are still beaten and still paid less! Maddening its all maddening!
I know nothing of this mind just saying how i see it. I do feel brow beaten by women in the media tho as a white male i feel repressed dirty, sleezy, inferior to women. Also women seem to be having this suedo equality where they have all the choice and power in soceity they make the choices. Granted wages have to catch up but have you tried dating a woman who earns more than you? They dont want to know yet reverse that and the man earns more he couldnt care less? Why cant i the man stay at home with the kids while she works? Its all got a lot of adjusting and catching upto todo the principles are in place but it will take hundreds of years before we get a true equaility and understanding of the sexies.
To add a lot fo women agree that right now men are brow beaten and im not joking with what i said about how i feel about being a man. I was only thinking it at work the other day how sexually repressed i am. To add im a sterotypical nice guy who's becoming more and more bitter by the day.
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