So, IGN released an article called Is Activision the Most Evil Company in the World? and I just feel like, once again, they are biased in their article.
So, IGN decided to truly test our theories that Activision is the most evil company ever. I mean, after all, that's what most of us say on every message board relating to Call of Duty or any other Activision game. But, the whole article just seems biased, and I want to put my own point-of-view in here.
Since we specifically say "the most evil company ever", IGN had a right to compare it to some of the most evil corporations ever. The comparison to Halliburton is legit, since they make money off wars. That's evil.
However, calling BP an evil company is just unfair. BP is stupid, selfish, and greedy, but not evil. They didn't want to install a safety in their pipes to prevent this kind of situation from ever happening, even though it's literally pocket change to their company. But that's because their greedy. They had no control over when the oil rig was going to explode. It's not like the BP heads sat down together and then planned to detonate an oil rig. That's bad for business and their reputation. BP is greedy, but not evil.
The comparison to Pfizer is also out of the question. One of the comments wrote:
"Pfizer can't be held responsible for the use of a drug which clearly wasn't ready. If they had tested it on animals then 50 chimps or 50 dogs would appear in this article, Pfizer can't win in this situation. And who else is working on vaccines for Nigerian children?"
- WoodyNightshade
This comment is totally spot on. Who else is working on vaccines for Nigerian children? And should they have tested it on monkeys or any other animal, then it would be considered animal cruelty. This one incident looks bad on them, but in the long run, they're helping THE ENTIRE WORLD.
Comparing to Phillip Morris is also unfair. Okay, in the past it was simply horrid to think they'd deceive friends and family across the globe to make money. But, the consequences of smoking are RIGHT ON THE BOX. Should people be so stupid that they don't read the warnings strewn throughout the box, well, then that's their problem. We all know what happens when people smoke, yet we do it anyways.
And Cyberdyne? Really?
Okay, but what about their evil status? Activision is evil, in the gaming sense. BP, Pfizer, and whatnot have nothing to with gaming. But Activision does. And that's why their evil. Let's take a look at why they're NOT evil.
Road Tour Out of Activision's Office
This is a perfect example of Activision's stupidity. Harmonix makes a game called Guitar Hero, and Red Octane makes the peripherals. Instead of picking up on Harmonix, they get Red Octane. That's like buying a Big Mac, but only taking the plastic wrap. Look at all the great music games Harmonix has made since then. Rock Band 1-3 and Dance Central. While not exactly best sellers, they were very innovative and push the industry forward. Unlike Call of Duty and Guitar Hero, which do the exact opposite.
To Infinity Ward and Beyond
At first, it seemed to IGN that Activision was doing no good by filing a lawsuit against Jason West and Vince Zampella. But, after new court documents became available, it seemed West and Zampella were doing deals with EA, a breach of contract. However, what IGN left out was that Activision refused to pay the royalty dues for Modern Warfare 2. Both West and Zampella were most likely doing deals with EA because they weren't appreciative of the treatment of THEIR franchise and them as people.
So, I totally respect West and Zampella's notion to go and broker a deal with EA. And, when Activision fired them, most of the design studio's top talent left also to form Respawn Entertainment. Nice going Activision, firing the people who got you where you are, and then let them develop a game that will DWARF, MUTILATE, AND RAPE your franchise. That's like Bungie making an anti-Halo game with Activision. Great job Activision. Yet another sign of their stupidity.
Everything Good is Ruined Now
True. Tony Hawk is dead because they failed to innovate in time. Guitar Hero is dead because of rapid milking. Call of Duty will soon die as they have run out of things to do, and even IGN is recognizing the repetitiveness. Black Ops has received the lowest score ever for a Call of Duty game: 8.5.
Whereas rival EA is actually innovating. Not that they're any better, they're greedy as well. But it's because of .skate that Tony Hawk just died. It's because of Rock Band that Guitar Hero just died. And it's because of all their awesome shooters that Call of Duty will die. Battlefield has picked up many anti-CoD players, especially with the Bad Company series. Medal of Honor has picked up some people as well. And then their Respawn game will most likely blow us away. Again and again. EA just has it going.
So, About That Evil Thing...
In a worldly sense, no they're not evil. In a gaming sense, yes they are. Charging $60 a year for basically a new map pack (Call of Duty) isn't exactly the nicest thing to do. They're also very stupid, but because of their hypnotic games, so are their customers.
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