@turianshepard: We don't know how much the Scorpio will cost. So quit speculating. My guess it will be no more than $600. Way cheaper then a top end PC.
@turianshepard: Why do you care? You are a known xbox hater and troll. Why does it bother you so much that Xbox had a good show? How does it effect you?
Look all the PlayStation trolls showed up. Their insecurity meter must be maxed out and must lower it by talking about how much they hate Xbox. I think it's like therapy for them or something.
My prediction for their show: GoW4 campaign gameplay, Halo Wars 2 gameplay, Recore gameplay, Sea of Thieves gameplay, Crackdown 3 stuff, Cuphead launches next week, New Xbox S reveal, annual indie game collage, New Forza game shown, Phantom Dust returns, and 1 or 2 new IP's revealed. Sounds about right.
@Anteares: Just because you think a game is crap, doesn't mean other people share your same opinion. The game is still around because people still enjoy it. You played a game for 2 years that is going into year 11 of its existence. So you have experienced not even a quarter of the game throughout its life cycle. Besides the fact you sound unintelligent, your credibility to comment about this game is void.
k9kal85's comments