@davillain-: We don't know how powerful the new Xbox is yet. But I am assuming it be fairly more powerful then the current one if they plan to pair it with a Oculus Rift.
@Xristophoros: You think every game on PS4 is awesome though lol. They could release a game that scores a 0/10, broken beyond playable and you would sing its praises.
@lithus: Someone's never played classic Doom before. Doom was never about story. It's all about mowing down wave after wave of demons. They wanted this Doom to be more like the classics and they did a pretty good job.
@sladakrobot: He writes stuff like that because he is a troll. Sits in his parents basement eating Cheetos and trolling on gamespot 24/7. He gets some sort of self-esteem boost by being a prick over the internet to other people.
@davillain-: I was really excited about Crackdown 3 until they said this "Multiplayer release this Summer". What about the rest of the game? A two part release? No thank you. I will get it when I can play the whole game.
@davillain-: Also Recore and Sea of Thieves are still on the table for this year. Or did Recore get delayed? I imagine Cuphead has to come out this year as well.
k9kal85's comments