@witchergothic @heznave the XBone also has 128mb of SDRAm to compensate for the slower DDR3 ram. that makes the console more complicated to develop for.
@Willie_Dynamite its not only the DDR5 ram, the PS4 GPU has 16 cores vs the 12 cores of the XBone. and both use the same generation of AMD GPUs at the same clockspeed.
@XboxGuy1537 @Warful not nearly as good as the PC version if the understatement of the century.
and i am usually preferring console versions over PC versions, but the whole Orange box basically is horrible imo on the 360... i mean lightyears ahead of the totally ruined PS3 port but still not that great.
and this is comeing from someone who likes the Xbox version of Max Payne 2 better than the PC version...
@sephsplace @PeterDuck ya, just look at last gen. the XBOX had WAAAAAY more power, and even though it didnt get used by many developers, almost every game still looked at least a bit better on the Xbox. and games like GTA Vice City which got massive overhauls for the Xbox version looked like its a next gen version compared to the PS2 versions.
and just think about Splinter Cell! the PS2 versions were a joke compared to teh XBox versions.
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