@Daian thats teh point! they have a very similar architecture! the PS3 had a stupid overly complicated CPU and thats why you could not see a big difference.
but now the PS4 has about 40% more power and is actually even easier to programm! the XBone uses SDRAM to compensate the DDR3 ram. but that makes it more complicated.
so now the PS4 is more powerful AND easier to program for!
the power of the cloud xD it gets funnier every time xD
the power of the cloud is a dedicated server for titanfall to sync the AI... WOW unbelievable! guess what, sony has cloud services too. GAIKAI! and they have dedicated servers which can sync the AI... JUST LIKE EVERY PC GAME FROM THE LAST 10 FUCKING YEARS!
@sargentpsgamer @kabalzer0 if MGS4 would have been Multiplatform, i bet you that the 360 version would have been more successful. almost every multiplatform games sells better on 360.
MGS2 came out later and the XBOX 1 wasnt even nearly as successful as the 360 is now.
its a totall different market now.
and MGS4 is possible on the 360. you would need to swap discs okay, but still. and waiting 10 minutes to install the next chapter sucked too on PS3. im glad that they patched it so you can install it all at once.
because with the old installing mechanic of MGS4 a disc swap 360 version would be waaay better.
@loopy_101 they could do even more complex stuff today! i mean the game could read all your Achievements/Trophys, how long you've got your system, how long you are a member of PS+/XBL-Gold, which was the last game you played online, it could even use Kinect/PSeye to make a photo of you and make that photo appear in the boss room!
holy crap the possibilities! he could make the Lightbar on the Dualshock flash like crazy, or let your triggers and handles virbate on the XBone in a way that, if you place the controller on a flat surface, it moves in the direction he commands.
since you can hook your XBone up to a TV reciever, it yould just switch to a TV channel and manipulate the programm so you see him floating around in the background or something. or make everyone that appears on the TV show thats running look like a zombie or something
@sargentpsgamer wtf? exclusive? you mean like PlayStation exclusive? you know that the only PlayStation exclusive homeconsole Metal Gear is MGS4 right?
Metal Gear - MSX2/NES/PS2/PS3/360/PC/C64
Metal Gear 2 - MSX2/PS2/PS3/360/PC
Metal Gear Solid - PS1/PC/The Twin Snakes - GameCube
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