@HonorOfGod @jinzo9988 There is still place for quality DLC. Personally, I almost never buy one because of what you mention: they are almost never worthwhile. But there are some minor exceptions... I don't think an extra character is bad DLC, but not including it in a Season Pass is a bad, bad idea.
@jinzo9988 Was thinking the same thing... Cool to get new characters, but why would they keep it out of the season pass? You would think that's what they are there for. More reasons to never buy one...
Society continuously pushes you over the edge. Maintain appearances, get a job, keep it, relationships... It's really easy to just succumb to feeling like a failure because, for most of us, it's a reality of the world. When you're a kid you see endless possibilities, but when you grow-up it's more like a prison you can't really barge out of. Courage to all affected. It really takes some to pick yourself together when you fall deep into yourself.
@robert83a2 Personally, I read through every book I find (and collect them) :) It's very much like the codex entries in ME and DA (I also read through them all). The story isn't really the point. The experience of exploring a whole world and finding new shit is. It is still one of the most played games in Steam...
kagento's comments