Looks cool and all but... since you would have to buy the projector anyway, wouldn't it be better to adapt the technology to existing projectors? I'd rather have a bigger screen than this to be honest.
@leviathanwing @kagento @kevykev Sony will have some surprise but I believe they have already shown the bulk of it. Microsoft will probably do the same in their press conference when they announce the new xbox.
Besides, the issue here is e3 losing it's strength, and the fact that all console makers have decided to show their new machines out of e3 is just another indicative...
e3 crashed back in the day for the same reasons it's going down now. Last years have been disappointing partly due to the excess of the event. We already have marketing all year long, so if you have something to show let it be new games... Last year, the only surprising title in the "press conferences" was Watch Dogs. Unless e3 get a grip on the event it will go down into oblivion once more.
@Cirkelinespark I am a passionate of the classic XCOM, and the remake, albeit some faults, did the original justice. I have logged over 180 hours on Steam... Have you been playing the games they released after Apocalypse? Those were garbage (with the exception of fan project Alien Invasion). However, we are still waiting for a level editor Firaxis... that would give the game new fresh air.
@Dreamcast86 @megakick Maybe its a dumb idea to you, but if someone wants to pirate a game it doesnt matter what system you release it on... And on the GTAV side, if Rockstar doesn't release it on PC I'll wait for it to reach the bargain bin...
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