So the school called me a while ago regarding on the e-mail that they sent to me but I haven't received ay from them nether checking from the bulk mail so they ask me on my degree then told me that "It didn't met your true interests" I mean, Agriculture and Financing!? Those aren't in my degress that I will take up in the future, I haven't sill decide on what I will take up so I can' tell when. For the meantime, here's Decade 5 summary since I was lazy last week making a summary:
[spoiler] Kamen Rider Decade Episode 5: Kamitsuki Ou no Shikaku
In Episode 4, Decade is cornered to fight against Kamen Rider Kaixa while at Castle Dran, Wataru was defeated by the Beetle Fangire and dethroned Wataru, thus becoming the new King and the Arms Monsters didn't obey Wataru anymore and intercepting Kivat Bat III. Yuusuke henshins to Kuuga and tells him to run away as he was helplessly ganged up by the Fangire present in the throne.
As Wataru managed to escape, Yuusuke chased him down all beaten up from the fight. He swore that he will protect him but due to uncontrollable desire for Life Energy, he accidentally hits Yuusuke but to him, it was nothing and tells that to go in the Studio to explain everything what happened to him and Onodera but he (Yuusuke) was severely beaten up and the Arms Monsters couldn't able to defeat him but the new King suddenly killed the three, absorbing it in him. Tsukasa enters the Castle Dran, only to encounter the Swallow Tail Fangire and kills by Final Attack Ride: Decade Slash then the King appears behind him.
After a couple of beatings, the King henshins to Kiva DoGaBaKi form and Decade was in a pinch while Wataru spots Yuusuke. As the King ordered the boy to take his life, he finally overcame his control and was able to kept his promise from them. Wataru re-claimed his throne as King then DoGaBaKi was useless and Kivat came to senses and flies back to Wataru, henshins to Kiva again. Three new cards were added to his Booker and used the Final Form Ride: Kiva Arrow, transforming him to a huge Bow and Arrow then at same time using the Final Attack Ride: Kiva Arrow that hits the Beetle Fangire. As for the Final attack, both Decade and Kiva pulled the Darkness Moon Break and Dimension Kick combination, destroying the Fangire.
Then Tsukasa visits the mansion and plays the violin to the dying Fangire who was Wataru's father (say what?) and thus Kivala joining the gang, a new portrait come up and this time, with a picture of a red dragon. You know what this means? To be continued!
Next episode: Natsumi was arrested for commiting a murder!? Then the users of Ryuuki and Knight have arrived along with the 14th Rider... [/spoiler]
March is here so have those calendars ready to mark your vacation!
Last night, I finished playing Cid to Chocobo Fushigi na Dungeon: Toki Wasure no Meikyuu+ and it was a great game. I also cleared Kuroma's memories before tackling the last dungeon which is 99 floors long! Lucky I mastered all the jobs including the secret one then refining the Claws and Saddle to the highest possible. Pop-Up Duel still fails me so a bit of practice is needed! Cid's Dungeon is fun but I was disapppointed on his skill Infinite Strike which is the only skill present in his mode but clearing it is still required for extra cards.
That'll be my rants for today!
kaihidou Blog
Kamen Rider Decade Episode 4 and Unit 3 currently in trouble...
by kaihidou on Comments
Heya guys! How are you all lately? Here's the summary of Decade Episode 4:
[spoiler] Kamen Rider Decade Episode 4: Dai Ni Gakusho Kiva no Ouji
After Yashiro's death in Episode 3, Tsukasa transported into the next world thanks to the new portrait while Yuusuke met a small white bat (similar to Kivat the 3rd) and stumbled inside the Castle Dran while the maids and the Arms Monsters (Garuru, Basher and Dogga) startled his incoming. As Tsukasa went outside, his outfit changed along with a violin case then saw the Castle Dran in a tall building just far from where he is facing at and said "We're in Kiva's World" as Natsumi remembers her dream.
Just then, a weird visitor enters the studio and wants to take a picture but as he saw the picture of Castle Dran, he suddenly chnaged into his Fangire Form when Natsumi and Tsukasa tries to attack him, his grandfather stopped them both and made them look at the article regarding that both Humans and Fangire live in harmony then the Spider Fangire went outside and told the kindergarten children to prove that they're harmless and so they did.
In Castle Dran, the three Arms Monsters are desperately finding their prince then in an old mansion a young kid named Wataru looks at the place as Kivat Bat the Third tells him to go back in the Castle. Natsumi then heard a sound of the violin (with a poor tune) and followed it but Tsukasa played in front of the gate, catching Wataru's attention. Tsukase went rude on him but Natsumi and her Laughing Acupunture does the work again and apologizes but he pushes her and said "Don't touch me..." then they heard a woman's scream and Tsukasa jumps in! The Lion Fangire tells to hand over the girl but as he henshin to Decade, he uses his Attack Ride: Slash to clean the mess but as Wataru eavesdrop, Kivat comes in as that's the Decade that Kivara (the white bat) was talking about so the young Wataru henshins to Kiva and everyone yells "It's the Prince!" then Kiva said "I've heard all about you, Devil!" then Tsukasa replied "Not again! Listen to me!" but he became furious as Kivat tells him to calm down but sent out one of the Fuestles and annouced "Basher Magnum" then changes to Basher Form.
Decade and Kiva Basher pulled their triggers, causing them both to get hit and sends out a new card changing him to Kamen Rider Kuuga while Kiva uses a Fuestle again, changing to Dogga Form as Decade Kuuga got flinched by Dogga Hammer, he then slips out a new card that changes his Mighty to Titan Form as he intercepts the Hammer materializing it to Titan Sword, Kiva was knocked back and called the last of the three Fuestles changing to Garuru Form but Decade didn't gave up also and inserted a new card changing him to Dragon Form. After a couple of beatings, a student came in stopping them both and it was Yuusuke! He then apologizes what Tsukasa has been doing to him.
That night at the Castle Dran, Wataru doesn't like to become a King so he left the place as Yuusuke searches for him. A mysterious Fangire annihlated all of the workers in the factory and wants the Prince as his next target. The next morning, Tsukasa went to the old mansion following on the tune of the violin and played it back then the grown-up Masato Kusaka (from Kamen Rider Faiz) talks to Tsukasa but then braks the violin that he played. As he left the mansion, Tsukasa met a small white bat introducing herself as Kivara and sent him to the sports dome when Kamen Rider Kaixa (whose VA is Murakami Kouhei, the original actor of Masato Kusaka) awaits.
Back in the Castle Dran, all of the maids were dead, leaving only Wataru. As the Swallowtail Fangire want to kill him real bad, the kid henshins to Kiva and Decade is having ahard time dealing with Kaixa thus, Episode 4 comes to a conclusion.
Episode 5! Wataru got dethroned as the Fangire that he fought became the new King and intercepts Kivat Bat the Third but Tsukasa and Yuusuke believes in Wataru. Will they be able to get Wataru's title back? [/spoiler]
Ok, speaking Unit 3, I am in deep trouble on my Composition II Unit 3. I submitted my Project but I reply from some posters but no one replied on the one I posted (sheesh) so I'm somehow in a pinch but since tomorrow's my seminar, I'll just have to let it through and wait for the results on my Project instead. And I wasn't able to post any from the Seminar since I don't have any idea on what they are talking about though I didn't attend it also.
So last night, I played Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales and it was full of fun! The microgames were interesting and the card battle was a challenge as well! The stories were good as well since it had 3 different epilogues changing the outcome of the story. Totally worth playing!
Besides that, I'm also playing Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin (Hard Mode Level 1). Today outside is bright and sunny but chilly so Summer please come on fast so I can enjoy the heat in April!!
That'll be my rants for today!
Kamen Rider Decade Ep. 3+Valentine's Day
by kaihidou on Comments
3 days more and it's Valentine's Day. I cleared up some of the posting discussions and checked my Gradebook for the results but since tomorrow will be my Week 3 Seminar so for the meantime, here's the summary for Kamen Rider Decade Episode 3.
[spoiler] Kamen Rider Decade Episode 3: Chouzetsu
In the previous episode, Tsukasa traveled to Kuuga's World and met the unexpected: He met Onodera Yuusuke who transforms into Kamen Rider Kuuga along with Inspector Ai Yashiro who aids him and encounters Grongi who are planning to destory the world. As the two are fighting, 2 new Riders namely Punch and Kick Hopper, from Kamen Rider Kabuto distracted both Kuuga and Decade to fight them. Tsukasa didn't know what's going on and Kuuga changes to his Dragon and laughed at Punch Hopper as Kick looked him back and said "You punk, are you laughing at my partner!?" flying kicks Kuuga behind. Decade tries to help but he ends up standing as the Hopper Bros. are beating up Kuuga and the man said it was a failure. Decade fired a couple shots, making them stop and asked where did they came from then Kick Hopper answered "We came from Hell." as they charged on him but he activated "Attack Ride: Blast" as he fires, a barrier absorbed the shots then 2 more shady Riders showed up as the brothers entered the barrier, disappearing and the mysterious man left.
Natsumi was angry then pinched his nose and that they will save this world from the Gegeru but she said the it's not necessary to defeat the Riders if he is trying to save it. Yuusuke asked the inspector about Tsukasa and why is he fighting then Tsukasa said that he'll save the world from defeating the Gegeru no matter what. Inspector Yashiro asked Tsukasa on where is the Seinaru Gegeru and he pointed it to where it is and she went in there, leaving Yuusuke. In the Hikari Studio, both Tsukasa and Yuusuke are enjoying the soup...along with swapping of potatoes and carrots while his dad is looking at his pictures while the angry Natsumi added some more from their bowls then Yuusuke said that he is really a devil. Natsumi questioned Yuusuke on why he is Kuuga as he explains that a weird man gave him the Arcle Belt and said that he will defeat the devil with that in his possession. He said that Decade is the devil that will destory the whole world.
As news came up, a huge black smoke covered a portion of the mountain causing Yuusuke to go in there but the cards were still unaccessible. In the mountains, the chief told Yashiro to run but helplessly saw turning their comrades into Grongi with his miasma causing her to inhale it then Yuusuke came to save her and escaped. Decade stopped N-Gamio-Zeda and he asked why he is awakened then Decade asked what he is talking about the beats Decade then escapes changing to a smoke that makes everyone sick. Tsukasa asked where Yuusuke where is Yashiro and he answered that the doctors are trying to solve it out.
The smoke covered the city and the people are evacuating and the hospital suddendly became full due to many patients but Yuusuke suddenly doesn't want to fight but Tsukasa wanted to fight it out on his own no matter what the risk. Yuusuke looked after Yashiro and told not to give up but she said that if anything happens to her, he must kill her but he refuse. His smile is what makes him a good person so he suddenly went out to help Kadoya.
Out in the city, Tsukasa rammed the Grongi and he will stop him and destory the world as he shouts "Henshin!" changing to Decade, he rushes up to stop Gamio Zeda but whipped back and got forced to fight the Gegeru. It's one against all and furiously got beaten up, reverting back. Helplessly, he got whiffled back but he said he won't die that early as the monsters cornered him and tries to maul him ala Resident Evil BUT Kuuga saves his hide and said that he will fight but got hit by Gamio Zeda reverting back also. Both stood up and he won't give up for the sake of everyone's smile, they will defeat the Ultimate Darkness and believe then Yuusuke will be the one who will do that!
Tsukasa henshins again to Decade and this time, 3 new cards namely Kuuga, Final Attack Ride: Kuuga and Final Form Ride: Kuuga Gouram added to his Decade Booker and asked Yuusuke to help him and he agrees, changing to Kuuga. As both suddenly got cornerd, Decade tested out the Kuuga Gouram card and held his back behind and suddenly Kuuga changed into Gouram and rammed the monsters then ride it to finish Gamio Zeda. Then he gathered all of the monsters causing him to power up and wreck havoc but as he tries to escape, Kuuga Gouram stops him and Decade activated his Final Attack Ride: Kuuga doing a combination attack on both sides.
Back in the hospital, Natsumi became sad as Yuusuke saw Yashiro died but Tsukasa said "Let's go now." leaving them both. The Grongi may have been defeated but the mysterious man will do anything to stop Decade. In the Hikari studio, her dad was happy looking on the film that Tsukasa has showing their smiles then as both went in, he accidentally pushed the chains pulling down an another portrait and this time, it shows the picture of Castle Dran and you know what that means? Episode 3 comes to an end.
Episode 4, they transported to Kiva's world where both Humans and Fangire live in harmony but as Tsukasa came in, the Fangires wanted to defeat him but a young boy named Wataru henshins to Kamen Rider Kiva and called Decade a devil again. Besides Kiva, someone is trying to kill him as well... [/spoiler]
Have those color red ready from the upcoming Valentine's Day for your loved ones. Unlike mine...
That'll be my rants for today.
Kamen Rider Decade Ep. 2+Term started
by kaihidou on Comments
Hey guys, my term already started last week and it's look great especially Introduction to Web Design which I'm really looking forward! My term ends in March so it let's do it! And watched Kamen Rider Decade Episode 2 yesterday so here's the summary:
[spoiler] Kamen Rider Decade Episode 02: Kuuga no Sekai
In the previous episode, a war has occured and Natusmi said "Decade" the only Rider who managed to beat all of the Riders then he took the responsibility of restoring his world as he was transported to Kuuga's World.
As the police tried to drive out the monsters called 'Grongi', Kuuga managed to get in the scene but as he saw a 'dead' policewoman inside, he got cornered by the Grongi and decides to clean it up. Back in the Studio, Natsumi opens the windows to see if she's in the other world but his dad called her and checks out the news but a policeman (Tsukasa) enters and attemps to arrest her but got hit by the Laughing Acupunture. She borrows the newspaper that her dad is reading and looks at the latest news in the article and the pictures depicting 2 shady creatures (the left is Worm/Unknown? While the right is definitely an Imajin) then saying that the targets are all female police. Then Tsukasa wonders what their connection with the young boy who changes to Kuuga, or so they called him "Dai Yon-gou" in the newspaper but she looks at Tsukasa what's with the outfit and he shows up his badge, introducing himself as "Junsa Kadoya Tsukasa" (Officer Kadoya Tsukasa) and he decides to go in the Police Station to deal out the issue but Natsumi goes out also and started to freak out on the building beside her, thinking what happened.
In the old warehouse, a female detective looks on Kuuga fighting on the Grongi and shouts to change form to beat it then Tsukasa came on time as Kuuga shouts "Chou Henshin!" changing from his red armor (Mighty Form) to blue (Dragon Form) then Tsukasa fiddles his camera as Kuuga grabs a bar, materializing it to Dragon Rod but the female detective stops Tsukasa from taking pictures. Then as Kuuga manages to beat on Grongi, the other flew away and she throws a Magnum to him and shouts "Chou Henshin!" again, changing from blue to green (Pegasus) then grabs the gun, materializing to the Pegasus Bowgun and chases the monster, then killing it off in the air. Yuusuke gives back the gun to the detective and she said 'Not bad'.
As the investigation in the station continues, someone poured tea in the coffee, giving the attention to...Tsukasa. Then as the investigation is on session, he still pours the tea moving to the left and slams it on the from table, startling all. Tsukasa then replied that maybe it's just a game but the detective asked him what division is he in then an annoucement was made saying that trouble occured in the brigde and everyone scrambled to the scene. In the bridge, a fellow policewoman watches helplessly as her friend got killed by Grongi and escapes but Decade chased him in the tunnel and finishes him of with his Final Attack Ride: Decade (his first Rider Kick which resemble Blade's King Form), smoldering it to ashes but Yuusuke got pissed off and Decade said:
"I'm not a Grongi." And he left the area.
As night passes, both Yuusuke and Detective Yashiro enters the studio as the sleeping Natsumi wakes up and his dad offers coffee from the both. They both wonders what's with the Rider they encountered along with Kuuga but he became furious and as a 'click' was heard, Tsukasa comes in. Then he want to join in the investigation but Yuusuke didn't accept it and walks out. Natsumi chases him and claimed that he's the "Dai Yon-gou" but he asks why does she know all about it. Then Yuusuke said that there is someone that makes her worried and goes off.
Continuing investigate the policewoman murders, Tsukasa said it has something to do with their birthday so he lists it as: 13, 27, 5, 26, 4 and encircles the last digit and what did it say? Minagoroshi (Annihlation since the other term of it will not censor bypass it) and everyone was surprised and decided to make a plan. In the mountains, the two Grongi are on a wait to revive their leader.
The next morning, Tsukasa is in the Dark Room, unsatisfied on the results of the pictures he took yesterday then went to the living room to see on the Rider Cards he has. Then he had an idea to join in the game so he called Yashiro to meet him in the mountain path. She asked what will they do so Tsukasa showed a map to her that all of the killings have a connection between the mountain then the next incident will occur in the place they're in now as Yuusuke came along also as Tsukasa explains that the mountain is the Grongi's hideout and the plan out to revive the Ultimate Evil so they had to set up a game.
Yuusuke wasn't impressed so Tsukasa did all the explanation. The Grongi that he fought yesterday? He did an interrogtion (in Grongi language, which I couldn't understand) but Yashiro said that what's with the Minagoroshi but he said it's just a lie and doesn't have to do with their birthday. I guess it just a rule of Grongi then Yuusuke was suprised how was he able to know all of it, the police has to deal with it but why would Grongi kill the policewoman and Tsukasa said the only policewoman left is none other that Detective Yashiro, the Grongi's final target. Then Tsukasa suddenly spitted out in Grongi language (with *** subs finally!) saying "I know you're in there. Come out now!".
The female Grongi was spotted and Natsumi saw something blurry outside the mountains so she tried to chase it. Back in the scence the Grongi said "The Gegeru (game) is about to start" then the other Grongi said "In this fight, the Women of Linto must be killed in order to end this." then Tsukasa snickered a bit saying "This time, there's two of them." but Yashiro asked will there be any other way but he said that if she's killed, the Ultimate Darkness will be revived so he pushed Yuusuke and punched (!) Yashiro in the nose, causing her to nosebleed! Yuusuke became mad on what he did but as the blood dropped on the ground, the Grongi became disappointed and said "The Linto's blood is flowing." then then other exclaimed "The holy Gegeru is a failure!" as Tsukasa explained that all of the previous killings didn't have blood and that's the rule of Holy Gegeru, kill without any loss of blood.
To end the Gegeru, Tsukasa henshins to Decade and Yuusuke remembers Decade. Then Decade finishes the female Grongi with his Ride Booker Sword Mode but as Yuusuke remembers, he henshin to Kuuga and faces Decade then called him "Devil" and the one who will "Destroy all the Riders for his sake" and chased him through the Shrine but the other Grongi butted in and finished it by Kuuga's Mighty Kick. Just as Natsumi came in, she remembered a dream where Decade walks toward her but Kuuga magaed to get up and gathered all of his strength to transform into Kuuga Ultimate Form but as the clash, a huge explosion occurs and she snaps back attempting to stop them both but Kuuga changes to Titan Form and Denacde inserts an Attack Ride: Slash installing it to his Ride Booker buy Kuuga couldn't take it anymore and borrowed the detective's magnum and changes to Pegasus Mode but Decade stops him with his Attack Ride: Burst changing from Sword to Book Mode and fired five bursts hitting Kuuga.
Then a mysterious man is eavesdropping on both while fighting and saying that "Decade must not exist in this world!" so the scence shifts and the 2 Riders namely Punch and Kick Hopper (from Kamen Rider Kabuto) are about to stop them. Episode 2 comes to a conclusion.
Next episode. The Ultimate Darkness is revived, causing the Grongi tribe to wreak havoc and chaos while intentionally evading the Hopper Bros. so it's up for Decade and Kuuga to team up and stop the Ultimate Darkness! [/spoiler]
That'll be my rants for today!
Happy Chinese New Year! (Kung Hei Fat Choi)
by kaihidou on Comments
[spoiler] Kamen Rider Decade 01: Rider Taisen
The Prologue starts where a woman in white stands in a large area and suddenly a missile was launched behind her and all of the nine Heisei Riders (Kuuga, Agito, Ryuuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O and Kiva) are having an all-out war that doesn't involve each other, but rather at 'someone' so they all charged out then later all were killed as the woman just stood out during and after the war then a bright light shone above slowly descending and the belt was shown and she whispered "Decade".
Back in the real world, Natsumi Hikari, the girl who was in the dream suddenly woke up in her house (a Photo Shop) and wondered what was it all about then some voices were enraged and she checks it out. It seems that the customers didn't like the outcome of the pictures (anyone remember a certain horror film that the pictures are a bit crappy?) and she said that only one person can do that and it was none other than Tsukasa Kadoya. She apologizes to the customers and went out to find him and do something on the pictures. As she goes out, the mirrors start to act strangely and the mirror on the trash, Ryuuki shows up in the mirro but then vanishes.
Outside in a quiet area, Kadoya Tsukasa (the main charcter of the series) is busy taking pictures of mother nature with a weird twist then a group of punks showed up and said that this isn't the ones they wanted but Tsukasa said that he wants it that way, then as he checks out the lens and about to tkae a snap, Kurenai Wataru (the main character of the previous series Kamen Rider Kiva) suddenly appeared and said that the world he is in now is about to end then one of the punks got pissed off and tried beating him but he missed it twice until Natsumi shows up behind him and does the Laughing Acupunture by covering his eyes, quickly slipped behind him and poked the lower jaw as he starts lauging and made an apology.
Natsumi then asked would he take pictures in a bad way then he replied back and the sky ripped open and strange creatures come out and tries to destroy the city as both he and Natsumi got separated by a barrier then Tsukasa's side turned into night and Wataru appeared behind him again, telling Tsukasa that he must fight to save the world then asked a simple question to him:
"Where's your Buckle and Card?"
He disappers and Natsumi on the other side of the barrier tries to escape while avoiding the creatures that are roaming around then got transported in an another world as rain poured down heavily then one got killed by a Fangire while the rest are Undead, Worm, Orphenoch, etc so she quickly escaped and managed to hide in a safe place BUT unexpectedly, a giant Makamou shows up then saw an old belt and a book (that she saw in her dream) then Tsukasa managed to see her again but couldn't get close to her as the barrier is still intact. She was cornered by the monsters and Tsukasa saw her holding something then he remembers the question that Wataru asked so he tells her to give him the belt and the book but as he gave it, both became new and used again so he attaches the belt and opened the book, grabbing the Decade card and shouts "Henshin!" then inserting the belt in and closes both sides of the buckle, transforming into Kamen Rider Decade then the barrier breaks, hitting the monsters.
At blinding speed, the monsters approached him but he took out a card (Kabuto Card) and uses it, changing him into Kamen Rider Kabuto (Rider Form) and he took out an another card announcing "Attack Rider: Clock Up" then time slowed down giving him the chance to attack the monsters with his Decade Booker: Sword Mode and they were dispersed. As he changes back to Decade, the card he used was consumed, making it ineffctive for the next few fights. He then told Natsumi to come and found out the cause so he rode the bike and checked the area (the fat guy with the picture turned into ash) but she got attacked behind causing her to fell off the bike and Decade stopped and tried to save her as he picked out and another card that transforms him into Kamen Rider 555 (Faiz) along with a card than turns his vehicle into an AI robot/bike (Auto-Vajin). He then sheathes out the Faiz Edge on Auto-Vajin and manages to beat them all but more and more were coming and the cards were consumed so he gets to choose the last card and transforms into Kamen Rider Hibiki, then used the Attack Ride: Ongekibou Rekka to scorch out the last few monsters.
As they walked around, Tsukasa checked all of the cards and they were ALL consumed! He then wondered how will he able to fight without the soul of the cards but a huge explosion struck out the city and as everyone ran in fear but the mother and child tried to save themselves as Natsumi tries to save them, time suddenly stops and Wataru appeared again (for the third time) to explain why all of the creatures from the 9 previous Heisei series have been appearing. He said that the 9 worlds are colliding to the present that would trigger the destruction of the whole world so he must fight and get all of the other data of the Riders if he wants to save his own world then he reversed the time back where nothing happened.
They went back home as Natsumi's dad tried to fix the TV then Tsukasa decided that he will go on an adventure but Natsumi decides to go along with also but he said that it's dangerous for but her dad says that it's all right by him as he yanks something that he can't pull it down then as he pulls it down, the poster shone on a portion then he had an idea but when he went outside, his clothes changed into a police uniform then a couple of police car are heading through. What he didn't know that he is inside the poster that Natsumi's dad is pulling! (Portrait of Ruin anyone?) So he rushes to where the scene is and a group man-like monsters (or Grongi) are showing up, defeating the police force but a youngster in an orange jacket while riding a bike saw what's going on and ran as the belt materializes and shouts "Henshin!", transforming to Kamen Rider Kuuga and helped beating the Grongi out but Tsukasa exclaimed that he is in the world of Kuuga. Episode One comes to a conclude.
Next episode, Yuusuke Onodera (Kamen Rider Kuuga) aids Tsukasa and Natsumi but then as he attains the Ultimate Form, he started calling Decade a devil and fights him. [/spoiler]
Here's the Opening Song "Journey through the Decade" performed by Gackt.
That'll be my rants for today!
Level 23+Term Finished
by kaihidou on Comments
My previous terms are done so...yay. I didn't bring out much effort to any of them.
...Now what?
So for the time being, I'm planning to continue playing Devil Summoner Kuzunoha Raidou tai Abaddon Ou and the ones on my Now Playing list.
Uhh, nothing new much from me lately. Sorry 'bout that...
That'll be my rants for today.
Happy New Year and hello 2009!
by kaihidou on Comments
Hope you guys enjoyed the fireworks, the endless noise you've been craving for years and oh, some booze also (kidding!). And for the Filipinos out there, hope you got your aguinaldos from your ninong and ninang!
That'll be my rants for today and Happy New Year again!
Christmas Eve rants
by kaihidou on Comments
Before Christmas strikes in here, game rants!
Fate/Unlimited Codes
My thumbs are pratically still numb after playing it too much. This game is awesome, especially if you like fighting games. Besides that, there's a Mission Mode where each character has a specific task to complete (Technique Mission were a pain to deal with so as combo inputting!) but what's more exciting about this is that it even has some unlockables for you that will make you keep playing it over and over. Though honestly, Saber Lily looks awesome but she resembles Tales of the Abyss's Madan Regret/Legretta the Quick. I unlocked Leysritt but still having trouble getting Saber Alter and Lancer/Zero so I can obtain the requirements for Saber Lily. Combo inputting is a pain...
Sorry, this is the only game I can rant for now. Online school is even in my way I havent started up making my Project for Unit 7! Boo...I don't wanna work on it unless it's on January so for now, I had to let that aside...
Everything will be quiet in here just like the last year. Why not go for extreme music, midnight karaoke and endless laughters instead of keeping it all silent? Is that really Christmas?
Anyways, that'll be my rants for today. Merry Christmas to everyone!
Abscence for November+Game Rants
by kaihidou on Comments
Sorry guys, tardiness somehow struck me and didn't do any posts for the month of November...
Anyhow, the new term are pretty much OK though the Assignments are fixed in a certain week and my next year term and already in and will start on the first quarter of 2009.
Then as for game rants:
Sonic Unleashed
I found this as the best Sonic game I have ever played after Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2 on the DreamCast. Everything is new to me even on nighttime missions were frustrating a bit yet getting S ranks on ALL missions are a new challenge to me so I seriously achived getting S on Apotos, Mazuri and Holoska. So far, so good so go for more!
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Finally finished the game (yay)! Overall, got an A rank and 'Offensive' title. Sadly enough, I wasn't able to get all the Haori for Ako (thus, no True Ending...) but I managed to get the Bishamon Sword (with the help of White Vest for longer battles). The last battle was great though a bit annoying. Even the Special Features were great too though I might try to play Adventures of Heihachi when I have the time. I even bought the Japanese version of the same game!
Onimusha Buraiden
And the reason why I bought the JP version of Onimusha 3 though I don't know how. Played Story Mode using Akechi Samanosuke and currently on Chapter 7. I don't have anything much to say on this game, sadly.
There are more games I need to rant but my mind is still empty...
That'll be my rants for today.
Happy Halloween guys!
by kaihidou on Comments
And again, Happy Halloween people! Hope you have your costumes all set and loot bags ready for those goodies tonight! :D
That'll be my rants for the end of October!
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