I was awake when all four of mine were taken out. The gave me 12 hour novacane. This was equal to 20 something needles in my mouth. The ones into the roof of my mouth hurt like hell. Made a tear come out after a few shots to the pallet. I was awake when he drilled the bone to get the two bottom teeth out. He broke one of the top teeth but managed to pull it. I heard the sound of him yanking each tooth out of my skull.
Afterwards my face was still very numb so I didn't notice how bad I was bleeding. My mouth filled up with blood every few minutes but I didn't know until I went to talk and blood poured out my mouth. This last for a few hours with the gauze. This was a pain when I had to pick up my meds as I couldn't talk. People were very suprised that I drove myself home. I thought I wouldn't need the pills as it didn't hurt for awhile. Plus I got hungry at one point cause I hadn't eaten all day.
As the novacane wears off I felt pain like I never felt before. I had to imeadiately take the pills. It hurt for days. I also managed to burn my tongue when I made myself something to eat earlier. I thought the food had cooled down but the inner parts were still way to hot I guess. The pain meds made me high and halucinate. I had conversations with people I didn't remember
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