kakkarott23's forum posts
I was just checking their site, but every game I clicked on said "temporarily unavailable for online purchase" or something to that effect. Is something screwed up on my end, or is it their site? Anyone else have this happen to them? I'd rather not have to drive 2 hours to the nearest Toys R Us to take advantage of the sale.Ponmop
You have to jump on these deals ASAP. I bought my games last week and had them adjusted yesterday.
Personally, I hated Red Steel a lot. It really bothered me when the cut scenes were like comic panels instead of an actual scene for this Gen to do comic panels is just not right. The controls were painful to me. I would get RE4 hands down. It is a game you have to play and I love it. I am happy I got the Wii version even after having the GC version.
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