Chances are once it's out for a couple of months, it will be Free to Play and it will open up to be an awesome MMO underneath all of the mud
Also will let me laugh and mock a girl I knew once when we argued about ESO....If I still had her on Steam...She kind of removed me after I told her to suck me off for having a boyfriend...Damn...I suck at female friends
@Jrounder82 Well mostly because my parents are spending 24 euros a month (12+12) on World of Warcraft and because Slovenia is in a financial Crisis...Besides, Subscriptions suck, mostly because A: The game already is pricey and B: They have a store in it (Which I DO NOT BELIEVE that it will have Pay 2 Win items in it, people are just fucking stupid to think that every game has such a thing) and well..It feels pretty sucky anyway
Besides: I have games like Guild Wars 2, Defiance and League of Legends to tie me up, don't need much else...But my dad did say he will consider getting ESO just for the sake of "You have GW2, I have ESO"
Kalgert's comments